Great Trains Holiday Show

Friday, Jan 17, 2025 from 10:00am to 4:00pm


Don't miss a favorite Wilton holiday tradition - trains, trains and more trains - and Santa, too!

Returning the day after Thanksgiving! One of the most cherished of Wilton's traditions - a visit to experience the Great Trains Holiday Show! Take the children in your life to an entrancing afternoon with trains and holiday excitement. Wilton Historical's historic 18th and 19th century buildings are charmingly decorated and transformed into a train-lovers delight with many different model train layouts winding through tiny towns with a variety of different kinds of buildings, tunnels and all sorts of delightful animals showing up in unexpected places! The displays enchant visitors of all ages with lots of buttons to push and knowledgeable "train engineers" on hand to "talk trains".

See a marvelous miniature holiday village, twinkling with lights - a seasonal delight!

Thrill to the sight of dozens of charming tiny buildings, people and activities in this amazing show village. Teeming with skaters, children sledding, horses pulling wagons, swans swimming and even Ebenezer Scrooge in his gloomy house!

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