Interfusion Festival

Interfusion Festival

Friday, Jan 10, 2025 at 9:00am


Interfusion Festival brings together the like-minded from across the US and beyond for five days of learning, healing, play and connection.

Schedule of Events:

 9:00 am: The Dance of Thai Massage - Elise Foster - Dean Hively

- Physical Empathy: Patience and Non-Assumption in Partner Dance - Jeremy Hale
- Affinity Group: LGBTQIA+ Gathering Circle - Keira (Dawson) Driver
- Butoh, Sensuality, and the Nervous System I-III - Vangeline Helene Gand
- Afro Groove: All Levels Afrobeats - Rose Turuka - Marc Brewer
- Laughter Yoga: A Gratitude Practice - Sarah Lawson
- The Goddess Workshop: The Divine Feminine - Liz Strom
- Unlocking Self Expression: Solo Open Form Movement - Logan Ditillo - Harnoor Singh
- Manifesting Through the 7 Chakras: Teaching and Sound Journey - Emma Olmedo
- The Serenity Lounge

11:00 am: AcroYoga Spotting for ALL - Kerri Hilton - Taylor Robart

- Trigger Point Thai Bodywork for Shoulders and Wrists - Kimber Brenneman
- Brazilian Zouk Newcomer Bootcamp I-III - Jessica Lamdon - Vinícius de Souza - DJ Viscious
- Elemental Seed Ritual for Manifesting Your Desires Through Movement - Peter Petersen
- The Ground of Self: Contact Improvisation Series I-III - Irene Sposetti
- The Enchanting Art of Tease: A Burlesque Adventure - GiGi Holliday
- Heart-Centered: A Movement Journey - Elyza Dolby
- Discover the Joy of Sensual Living: Enhance Your Relationships and Self-Love - Lawrence Lanoff
- Authentic Self-Relating: Trauma and our Many Selves - Terry Baranski
- Sanctuary of Senses - Zen Steady

1:30 pm: Instagrammable: Acro Lifts for Your Social Media - Tori Abel - Rob Li

- Dance Calligraphy in Brazilian Zouk Lambada: From Print to Cursive - Ry'el Zenzouk
- The Authentic Man: Skills for Conscious Masculinity - Ryel Kestano
- Urbankiz: Developing the Connection and Awareness - Pamela Hernandez
- Meditation Music and Sound Bath - Dante Baker
- Speed-Flirting: Creating Playful Connection - Thomas Daily II - Reid Mihalko
- The Gentle Art - A Jiu Jitsu Experience - Jamal Pender
- Brazilian Zouk and Lambada Intensive (Add-On) - Jessica Lamdon - Kuna Hamad - Devon Near-Hill

3:30 pm: AcroYoga "Swimming" Lessons! - Elise Foster - Dean Hively

- MicroZouk: Exploring Principles of Touch in Brazilian Zouk - Kuna Hamad
- Hug Medicine and Conscious Cuddle Playground: A Gourmet Oxytocin Infusion - Lael Rasch
- Harmonizing the Dance of Life: A 5Rhythms Journey - Ann Kite
- West Coast Swing 101 - Markus Smith - Tren Veal
- Sacral Alchemy Ceremony: Manifestation through Liberation - Nilgun Akselioglu
- TouchLab: Exploring Touch for Intimate Partners - Michael Blackin - Lara Blackin
- Acro Intensive: Whip-carian Series I-III (Add On) - Jenae Brianne - John Thorpe
- Zouk Day Party

5:30 pm: From Insight to Action: Integrating Your Festival Experience - Genevieve Hargrove - Jon Forney - Live Musical Performances and Tea
7:00 pm: Rolling out the Red Carpet for No - Mischa Byruck
9:00 pm: Contact Improvisation Jam - Umair Ahsan - Irene Sposetti

- AcroYoga Night Jam - Eric Sipes
- Bachata Party
- Brazilian Zouk Party
- Ecstatic Dream
- Kizomba Party
- West Coast Swing Party

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