Morris And Mollye Fogelman International Jewish Film Festival

Welcome to the 11th year of the Morris and Mollye Fogelman International Jewish Film Festival! We are thrilled to be bringing this year's film festival completely in-person and in our brand new, state-of-the-art Belz Theater at the Orgel Family Performing Arts Center! Happy watching!


7:00pm: Air War

A rivalry between two charismatic Israeli air force fighter pilots reaches breaking point on the eve of the six-day war. After single handedly shooting down six Egyptian migs in aerial combat, the young, brash Lt. Ran Nesher is awarded a new assignment: to take over the command of a fighter squadron.
The squadron’s second-in-command, the more methodical and disciplined Lt. Eitan Rom is profoundly threatened by his new reckless Commander who is clearly inexperienced and domineering.

The ongoing power struggle begins to affect the performance of the squadron. However, as their country’s existence hangs in the balance, the two men must learn to work together. It is only then that they are ready to lead their squadron to victory.

Running Time 106 minutes
Country Israel
Language Hebrew with English Subtitles
Year 2024

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