
10th Anniversary Edition for The Yoga Expo

Health and Fitness

December 14, 2023

From: The Yoga Expo

Join Us! At the 10th Anniversary Edition for The Yoga Expo: "Grow 2024"

Spend a weekend GROWING your yoga & wellness practices!

"GROW," is inspired by the importance of both personal and shared strengths in our growth as individuals, and communities in every season of life. The theme recognizes ALL aspects of growth that are fundamental to effective learning and supporting the well-being of humanity, animals and MOTHER EARTH!

Over the course of two-days, attendees will connect with impactful educators, yoga and meditation experts, internationally and nationally recognized schools, healing arts academies, CEUs, workshops and hands-on training. all combining efforts to share real-growth strategies, along with more than 150 conscious-exhibitors, local, with fun and exciting activities for ALL AGES - ALL SKILL LEVELS, live music, dance, culture, art, wholesome foods, holistic pet care, and so much more!

Schedule of Events

January 19th, 2024

01:00 - 02:30p:

The Power of Yoga to Overcome Anxiety

Learn how to use pranayama, meditation and asana to allow deeper emotions, anxiety and tension to move through you, easing their grip on your life.
David Procyshyn
Location: Room B

The Vagus Nerve/Psoas/Anxiety Connection

The vagus nerve connects the brain to the gut, regulating our digestion and digestive enzyme secretion. Poor gut health influences inflammation, mood and anxiety levels. Activating the Vagus Nerve helps...
Janie Larmour
Location: Room A

02:40 - 04:10p

Grow Your Business: Marketing + Content Workshop (90 Mins)

Want to become more effective with your marketing techniques and strategies? Arianne is a 20 year branding and marketing professional that loves to create clarity and structure for people's goals. As...
Arianne Traverso
Location: Room B

Meditation on Nail Board Workshop

We are gathering to explore an ancient yogic tool - the nail boards. Together we will explore our edges, surrender into the power of breath, and transcend stress and tension....
Dmitry & Anastasia Karpenko
Location: Room C

04:20 - 05:50p

Yoga Sequencing for Spiritual Evolution and Mastery

Join Yogi Aaron in an enlightening 90-minute workshop at the LA Expo 2024 as he unveils the transformative potential of yoga sequencing. This class will delve into the spiritually uplifting...
Yogi Aaron
Location: Room B

January 20th, 2024

4:45 - 05:35p

From Teacher to Guest Speaker: How to become a thought leader through speaking

Have you always wanted to become a speaker and thought leader in your industry? In this session, veteran professional speaker Corissa Saint Laurent will share how to go from teaching or...
Corissa Saint Laurent
Location: Room A

09:30 - 10:30a

Getting Started with Family Yoga: Songs, Signs & Circles

Explore mindful breathing and developmentally appropriate activities like songs and American Sign Language with Kids Yoga Teacher Trainer and author Deven Sisler. This session is for the young and the...

Deven Sisler
Location: Family & Little Yogis Zone/Lobby Area Near Marketplace Entrance

09:30 - 04:30p

Official EMCEE

Corissa Saint Laurent is the founder of The Everyday Mystic, a marketplace connecting spiritual professionals with those seeking to live a more mystical life, and the host of a podcast...
Corissa Saint Laurent
Location: Main Stage

09:50 - 10:50a

Live Music - Behold, Sonic Digital Alchemy

A fusion of sound and magic, weaving an enchanting tapestry of sonic sorcery. Immerse yourself in the enchanting cadence of rhythmic resonance.
Minister Jamal Bashir Bey
Location: Main Stage

10:00 - 10:50a

Past Life Regression Workshop - Through The Veil Of Time
Using Dolors Cannon's method of group hypnosis, travel through time and space into your multidimensional realities. Participants can experience a past life or future life, some on earth and some...
CH.t Hypnotherapist Mayra Rath
Location: Room F

Harmony Unveiled: Chakra DJ's Journey to Wellness

Embark on a transformative journey with Kamau, the Chakra DJ, as he unravels the secrets of harmonizing mind, body, and soul through the power of music. In this immersive presentation,...
Kamau Gr8 Whispering Panther
Location: Main Stage

Morning Mobility Flow

Learn how mobility and flexibility are different and why mobility is the latest trend for athletes and desk-workers alike. Enjoy a dynamic, beginner friendly practice blending breath-based mindful movement and...
Niki Saccareccia, E-RYT
Location: Room E

The Healing Power of Yoga

The physical practices of yoga were created to cultivate self-awareness and intuitive intellect, that reveal our latent ability we all have to heal ourselves - physically, mentally, and spiritually. Accepting...
Peter Sterios
Location: Room D

Yin & Integrated Yoga

The combination of Yin and Integrated yoga offers an ideal opportunity for yoga enthusiasts to achieve a sense of tranquility while engaging in a flowing practice. Integrated yoga is beneficial...
Sneha Desai
Location: Room C

10:00 - 10:30a

20-min Guided Meditation for Inner Peace

Experience the joy within through this guided meditation practice as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda - the "father of Yoga in the West." Come and feel within you an infinite storehouse...
Janaka Keller
Location: Inner-Peace Corner/Lobby Corner by Room F

11:00 - 11:50a

Integration of Vedic Astrology and Tarot

How I use the planetary archetypes in the tarot for readings.
Tahia Lameer
Location: Room A

Live Music - Nurturing Love and Compassion: A Heart-Centered Sound Bath Meditation with Aromatherapy

JennyBean_Love, in partnership with Soulful of Life, will present a deeply nurturing and compassionate sound bath and guided meditation complete with aromatherapy designed to heal and open your heart center....
E-RYT 200 Yoga Instructor Jenny KouAlcina Tran
Location: Room F

Desk to Mat: Posture Perfecting Yoga Flow

Long hours at the desk got your shoulders hunched and back aching? Dive into our 'Desk to Mat: Posture Perfecting Yoga Flow' - a class meticulously crafted for working professionals....
Tianna Christine
Location: Room H

Partner Yoga for Families

We will stack, flip and switch up our favorite asana poses in partnership to add more playfulness, breath awareness and authentic connection to our multigenerational yoga classes. No experience necessary....
Deven Sisler
Location: Family & Little Yogis Zone/Lobby Area Near Marketplace Entrance

Understanding Your Energy Field as an Integral Part of Your Yoga Practice

Everything is energy. The way we hold our body, move our breath, and flow through our mind, all combined, causes the sensation of personal awareness we term "consciousness". Join me...
Kristen Eykel
Location: Room C

Untamed Yoga

A slow, sensual yoga experience for women where you drop into our bodies and learn to feel from the inside out. Reclaiming your body, mind and soul - fully embodying...
Tamar Gail
Location: Room G

Wolf Spirit Flow

Awaken the Wolf Spirit within you with Wolf & Lion creator Elyssa Swann, through a continuous vinyasa flow focusing on the magical attributes of the wolf. The spirit of the...
Elyssa Swann
Location: Room B

11:00 - 11:30a

20-min Guided Meditation for Wisdom

Experience the joy within through this guided meditation practice as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda - the "father of Yoga in the West." Come and feel within you an infinite storehouse...
Uma Bottaro
Location: Inner-Peace Corner/Lobby Corner by Room F

12:00 - 12:50p

Breath and Mantra Flow and Meditation

Combine breath, movement, and mantra to open your body and clear your mind. Asana is the yoga for the body, mantra is the yoga for the mind, and breath is...
Alex Artymiak E-RYT-200
Location: Room D

Iyengar Yoga: Alignment - Precision - Awareness

Yoga is defined as the "Union" of the body, mind, and spirit, and the Iyengar Yoga system cultivates self- knowledge through the practice of asana, pranayama, and meditation, which brings...
Jeff Perlman
Location: Room F

Kundalini Shake

Lisa Faremouth Weber is in her last year of the Master's of Yoga Studies Program focusing in Yoga Therapy at Loyola Marymount University. She founded Heaven Meets Earth Yoga in...
Lisa Faremouth
Location: Room C

Soulful Sales

Any Yogapreneur wants to sell their product with ease, make more money, and end each transaction feeling authentic, with a happy client. The problem is, most yoga business owners have had...
Josh Biro
Location: Room A

Soulgasm - A Tantric Experience

This workshop is heart-opening experience for singles and couples who want to call in more love, intimacy, and connection in their life. During a typical session, participants are guided through...
Olivia Dydyna
Location: Room G

Release the Psoas for Back Pain and Anxiety Relief - Going Deeper

This is a life-changing class that will allow you to release your hips and connect more deeply to yourself.Zen Ki Yoga has incredible techniques to strengthen AND release the psoas...
Janie Larmour
Location: Room B

12:00 - 12:30p

20-min Guided Meditation for Wisdom

Experience the joy within through this guided meditation practice as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda - the "father of Yoga in the West." Come and feel within you an infinite storehouse...
Arya Cheng
Location: Inner-Peace Corner/Lobby Corner by Room F

01:00 - 01:30p

Your Body Is Hardly Your Body - Gut and Skin Microbiome for Healthy You

Microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi outnumber our body cells by ten to one, colonizing our gut and skin. Despite their microscopic size, these microbes play a significant role...
Sudhir M Shah
Location: Room A

01:10 - 02:00p

Partner Yoga for Older Kids (7+)

This session will explore mindful games to warm up, centering breath in circlasana, storyvinyasa and the joy of practicing in partnership.
Deven Sisler
Location: Family & Little Yogis Zone/Lobby Area Near Marketplace Entrance

01:30 - 02:20p

Activate Your Body For A Pain-Free Life!

Join us for an enlightening workshop, with Yogi Aaron, pioneer of Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ (AYAMA). Discover the revolutionary science-based methodology that challenges traditional stretching practices. Emphasizing functional movement...
Yogi Aaron
Location: Room D

Awaken your senses - a Scent and Sound Immersive Experience

Join us for a transformative and immersive meditation infused with sound healing that will transport you to a state of deep relaxation and rejuvenation. Immerse yourself in a multisensorial experience...
Letizia Silvestri
Location: Room E

Chakra Alignment
Margarit Yetaryan
Location: Room A

Creating Successful Retreats through Marketing and Collaboration

Join Arianne, co-founder of The Yoga Expo, and Courtney, a retreat leader and wellness development expert for SCP Hotel Group, as they share the fundamentals of building a successful retreat...
Arianne TraversoCourtney Watson
Location: Room C

Moving in FlowMotion - A mindful somatic journey

A soothing mixture of asana, somatic healing and meditation to create space & softness in the body and mind. My classes combine my love for movement as medicine with mindfulness....
Angie Clifton
Location: Room C

Vinyasa Yoga & Japanese Bell

This class combines vinyasa style flow and a relaxation session using Orin (a Japanese Buddhist bell) to facilitate strength and mobility. This class will leave you feeling centered and rejuvenated.
Hina Yamamoto (KASASAGI)
Location: Room H

You Can Flow Your Own Way: Vinyasa Yoga for Diverse Bodies

Join Angelica Govaert for a dynamic and inclusive session of empowering your practice "You Can Flow Your Own Way: Vinyasa Yoga for Diverse Bodies" at the Yoga Expo. This unique...
Angelica Goavert
Location: Room G

02:40 - 03:30p

Alchemy of a Happy Life

The class is on understanding and mastering the Tattvas to quickly advance in ascension and meditation.
RJ Wright
Location: Room C

Live Music - Ananda Kirtan to Awaken Diving Love

Awaken your heart’s natural love through the sacred power of devotional chanting. Paramhansa Yogananda offers us ‘spiritualized’ chants - chants infused with Divine power to uplift and inspire our consciousness....
Uma BottaroArya ChengMelody HansenJanaka Keller
Location: Main Stage

Finding Your True North: Building Confidence to Discover Your Life Purpose

Join Michelle, a seasoned nurse & holistic life wellness coach, for an empowering & transformative session on building confidence and uncovering your life's purpose. Discover practical strategies to overcome self-doubt,...
RN, NC-BC Michelle Mikolis
Location: Room A

Millimeter Miracles: Practice participating in your own evolution

The asana practice of yoga shapes more than our bodies, it shapes and shifts our self-perception. Small millimeter miracles on the mat add up to miles over time, taking us...
Fiji McAlpine
Location: Room D

Motivational Yoga

Motivational Yoga is a dynamic healing practice that combines motivational affirmations, fixed yoga sequences, breathwork, and brainwork to stimulate positive thinking, push physical limitations, and release emotional blockages.
Samora Suber
Location: Room B

Philosophy Fit Flow

Harness the powerful combination of the 8 limbs of yoga. We will start off the class with a brief lecture on yoga philosophy and how to incorporate it into your...
Angela Gavalas
Location: Room F

Yin & Tarot: Harmony of Body and Spirit

A unique class that weaves together the soothing practice of Yin Yoga with the mystical insights of Tarot readings. Immerse yourself in deep relaxation and gentle stretching while tapping into...
Shelly Saunier
Location: Room G

03:30 - 04:00p

AcroYoga | Taking Flight for Beginners

The young and young at heart are invited to learn the basics of AcroYoga: trust, play and communication. No experience necessary, please bring a willingness to have fun and try...
Deven Sisler
Location: Main Stage @ Marketplace

03:45 - 04:35p

Bend, Bond and Build Success: Strategic Networking for Yoga Entrepreneurs & Wellness Enthusiasts

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the journey of Yoga and Mindfulness teachers has evolved. Beyond exceptional knowledge and teaching skills, building a thriving career in the industry requires a...
Dania Valladares
Location: Room A

Sky Full of Stars

Join Our Family & Children's Fun Yoga Class! Get ready for an exciting journey with your children into space while learning yoga in a fun and engaging way. Our dynamic...
Luisa Vanessa Ortega Almeida
Location: Room C

Ananda Yoga to Awaken the Chakras

Experience the power of Ananda Yoga through this engaging, yet relaxing and uplifting routine that works with the chakras as a holistic system. We will use affirmations combined with visualizations...
Melody Hansen
Location: Room F

Rejuvenating Sound Bath Experience

Angela Fritz invites you to embark on a transformative journey, a voyage of Renewal, Restoration, and Rejuvenation. With the melodic tones of her voice, the resonance of Crystal Singing Bowls,...
Angela Fritz
Location: Room G

04:00 - 04:30p

20-min Guided Meditation for Awakening in Divine Light

Experience the joy within through this guided meditation practice as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda - the "father of Yoga in the West." Come and feel within you an infinite storehouse...
Janaka Keller
Location: Inner-Peace Corner/Lobby Corner by Room F

04:45 - 05:30p

Kids Yoga & Mindfulness 101 for Parents, Yoga Teachers & Educators

Have fun with Deven as she shares her favorite techniques for making yoga and mindfulness accessible for kids. She will share common pitfalls, easy ways to avoid them and effective...
Deven Sisler
Location: Room C

Date: January 19-20, 2024

Pasadena Convention Center,
300 East Green Street,
Pasadena, CA 91101.

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