
24th Street Theatre News - August 14, 2023

Arts and Entertainment

August 15, 2023

From: 24th Street Theatre

Non-Profit Strike!/¡Organizaciones sin fines de lucro en huelga!

Written by Jay McAdams

Translated by Jesús Castaños Chima

Since it’s obviously STRIKE season, I’ve been wondering what would happen if the non-profit sector went on strike. Not just non-profit theatres, but all non-profits. Nobody would care when they first heard it on the news because the world stops listening when it hears the word "non-profit" fearing the next thing they’re going to hear is a donation request. And that’s usually correct. The rest of the people don’t even know what non-profit is. So the world would react indifferently to the news of it in the beginning.

There are many reasons you’ll never see a non-profit strike. First, we’d be terrible at it. Non-profit people are all about empathizing with everyone. Our empathy cup runneth over. We non-profit do-gooders wake up every day wanting to really change the world for the better. So we’d spend all of our time on the picket line quietly listening to our bosses’ points-of-view rather than shouting our views at our oppressors. We’d be far too considerate to be effective.

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Enter Stage Right is Underway!

Our in-person Enter Stage Right field trips are starting up again this September. Last season, 24th Street Theatre performed Enter Stage Right for over 8,000 students to rave reviews.

Enter Stage Right is a wildly engaging and entertaining show that introduces students to the history and magic of live theatre. Students walk away with a deep understanding of storytelling and are equipped with life-long skills in Social-Emotional Learning, empathy, and the power of literacy.

If you watched the video above and caught a glimpse of the magic in front of the footlights, learn more below about getting your students in on the experience.

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Registration for After 'Cool is still open!/¡Las inscripciones para nuestro programa de After 'Cool siguen abiertas!

Donate Here/Donar Aqui