
A Few Tickets Remain for Pirates of Penzance at Glimmerglass on July 30: Sign Up Now!

Arts and Entertainment

July 17, 2024

Join us for this summer highlight to see Gilbert & Sullivan's The Pirates of Penzance at Glimmerglass in Cooperstown. Our day trip excursion includes meals, transportation and an opera ticket in the price of $295. The trip takes place on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, and we will be attending the 1 pm matinee. Dinner at the beautiful Brewster Inn in Cazenovia will cap off our day.

The trip is nearly sold out, so we encourage you to secure your place right away.

This comic operetta about Frederic's quest to end his piracy apprenticeship with the help of his new love, Mabel. Famous pieces include, "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" and the coloratura aria, “Poor Wandering One.” You'll surely recognize tune of the second-act chorus, “Come Friends Who Plow the Seas” that later became the popular “Hail! Hail! The Gang’s All Here!” in the U.S.

Purchase Tickets

Visit our website to sign up. You may register and pay online, or download the registration form to send in with your check.

Questions? CalCarol Crocca at 585-385-6971, or e-mail [email protected]

There is a limit of 50 participants.

Join us for this memorable day!