
Advisory: Senate District 48 Caucus Set for September 4th

Government and Politics

August 24, 2024

INDIANAPOLIS, IN - Indiana Republican Party Chairman Randy Head has officially called a caucus of eligible precinct committee members to fill the vacancy in the office of Indiana State Senator, District 48. The seat was held by State Sen. Mark Messmer, whose nomination for the 8th congressional district, and subsequent resignation from the State Senate, has created vacancy.

WHO: Indiana Republican Party Chairman, Randy Head, will chair the caucus. Individuals interested in running in the caucus should contact the Secretary of the Indiana Republican Party to ensure they file the proper forms prior to the deadline, which is 72 hours prior to the vote. 

The caucus is only open to properly credentialed precinct committeemen or proxies, members of the media, and guests of the party.

WHAT: Senate District 48 Caucus.

WHEN: 7 p.m. EST, Wednesday, September 4th, 2024

WHERE: Jasper High School Auditorium. 1600 St. Charles Street, Jasper, IN 47546

Media interested in attending must RSVP no later than noon on Monday, September 2, 2024, to Griffin Reid, communications director, at [email protected].

A live stream will be available for members of the public who wish to watch the caucus proceedings.