Arts and Entertainment
December 14, 2022
From: Alliance Francaise de Denver*Winter, it is the season of the earth's recollection, its time of meditation, of preparation.
There is still time to sign up for one of our foundation, workshop or conversation classes!
Priya Joawn presents:
L'Impressionisme Français
In this workshop, students will learn about six famous French artworks from the impressionist period, featuring works from artists such as Degas, Van Gogh, and Morisot.
L'Égypte, les Secrets d'Amenhotep
In this workshop, students will learn about different ancient civilizations throughout history.
Le Sénégal
In this workshop, students will learn about Sénégal, its people, history, and culture.
Upcoming Event
Drink Like a French Sommelier!
Denver’s own Erik Segelbaum, Advanced Sommelier and 2019 Food + Wine Magazine Sommelier of the year is also the wine educator for Smithsonian. Every month he hosts a digital thematic class and tasting based on discovery, experience and making wine fun. His December class is on Friday 12/16 from 4:00pm-6:00pm MST. The theme is Drink Like a French Sommelier. This is a digital event so you can watch from the comfort of your home.
The class cost is $75 if you register through Smithsonian. However, Erik is offering a special discount to Alliance Française of $50 per person. This class includes a tasting kit with 7 different French wines (which you can pick up in the Sunnyside/LoHi neighborhood between Wednesday 12/14-Friday 12/16. In order to take advantage of this special pricing and coordinate pickup, please reach out directly to Erik at: [email protected]
Board and Building Update
Last week we had our monthly board meeting where we were able to discuss the plans of AF Denver regarding the building at Galapago. The architect who has been working on the building was able to present the options available for reconstruction. The board plans to make a decision on the options and communicate the plan to you in the new year. Thank you for your patience during this time of transition. We are eager to create a space that serves you and the rest of our Denver community.
The Alliance will be closed from December 23rd to the 2nd of January.