
Artspace New Haven - Call For Love Notes

Arts and Entertainment

February 26, 2023

From: Artspace

Join Artspace New Haven for its annual fundraiser Love Notes in support of the experimental and civically-driven work we do as an institution.
We invite artists to submit a Love Note to this community event, creating one-of-a-kind works of art to be sold for the benefit of Artspace. We are so grateful to everyone who joined us last year to create and purchase artworks, and are excited to invite you to join us again for Love Notes 2022. We will install every submission we receive in our galleries salon-style, covering as much of our wall space as possible.

We are currently accepting donations of Love Notes! Please contact [email protected] to donate an art work to the fundraiser.

This year, Love Notes will take place April 12-14, 2023, with a VIP reception (in-person) on Friday, April 14th featuring performances from
6:00–8:00 PM for $150.00 per ticket (participating artists do not have to buy tickets).

This in-person, free public program is held in conjunction with the exhibition, [Voicings], on view April 15, 2023. For in-person programs,
Artspace encourages mask-wearing and social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within our community. For more information about our public programs, sign-up for our newsletter and check our online calendar at www.artspacenh.org for more information.


[Voicings] Reading-Listening Group with Visual Culture Producer Gabriel Sacco
*First session will take place on March 8, 2023, from 6:00 - 8:00 PM* 

Join Artspace Visual Culture Producer, Gabriel Sacco, for a four-part reading-listening group during our winter 2023 exhibition, [Voicings]. Our group will meet once weekly, on Wednesdays: March 8th, March 22nd, April 5th, and April 12th, from 6:00–8:00 PM at Artspace New Haven. Please email [email protected] to pass along your accessibility requests. 

The reading group will be presented with a bibliography and google drive with downloadable materials. You are able to download and read or watch the materials prior to the group meetings. 

The group is meant to be an introduction to calibrate various meanings of what the voice can be and explore different ways of voicing one’s ideas, specifically in relation to the artists and scholars who are represented by this exhibition. We will not read all materials during group meetings to respect our time together; but instead, we aim to come with questions, ideas for discussion, and points of interest in relation to the prepared reading together. As we delve into these readings, we consider the future for this work and how it can continue processually, while also introducing related readings and expanding our bibliography together.

Drop-in Drawing
Every Wednesday evening from 3:00-5:00PM

*The next Drop-in Drawing is scheduled for March 1, 2023*

In 2023 we are bringing back the classic artist engagement known to our patrons as part of the Drop-in Series. The general program will take many forms during its run, in a non-hierarchical, non-accumulative casual class setting and be self-driven with minimal instruction. Join us in setting aside a well-deserved weekly drawing time for yourself while connecting with other artists. Artspace will provide simple props to draw, you may also draw the exhibitions on view at Artspace, your peers, or bring your own objects.

We’ll kick off the series in 2023 with Auditory Experiences, inspired by our current exhibition [Voicings], on view February 11–April 15, 2023, and hosted by Artspace Program Coordinator Steve Roberts. Steve will curate the music, so come with ideas about how you engage with sound while drawing!


February 11–April 15, 2023

New Haven—January 27, 2023[Voicings] wonders about the conditions, capacities, and powers of voices to utter sounds, words, and signs. The exhibition is inspired by the numerous asides, coughs, stutters, glitched signs, and breaths from on-screen vocalizations and calling devices over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic—at a time when embodied voicings seemed rare if not impossible. Works by artists Mira Dayal, Dominique Duroseau, JJJJJerome Ellis, Nikita Gale, Christine Sun Kim, Amiko Li, Gordon Hall, Joseph Keckler, Matt Keegan, and Sahra Motalebi meditates on the pluralities and slippages of voices. Voicings tremble in ongoing collectivity amongst vibrating vocal cords and also hold vibration, or vibrato, with one another. They speak from the page in between brackets, live in the motion of fingers and the creaking positions of bodies, and shape language collectively.

[Voicings] is organized by Artspace New Haven Director of Curatorial Affairs Laurel V. McLaughlin with assistance provided by Visual Culture Producer Gabriel Sacco and Program Coordinator Steve Roberts. The exhibition features an accompanying programming series and forthcoming digital publication featuring a new essay by Sahra Motalebi with artist contributions from Mira Dayal, Dominique Duroseau, Gordon Hall with Joey Lubitz, Joseph Keckler, Matt Keegan, and Amiko Li, designed by Yadavi Patil. Lead funding for this exhibition is generously provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, CT Humanities, the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, and the Connecticut Office of the Arts.

For more information, visit the Artspace New Haven online calendar, sign up for our newsletter, and follow our Instagram @artspacenh for updates.