
Baltimore Irish Trad Fest 2023

Arts and Entertainment

April 10, 2023

From: Baltimore Irish Trad Fest

Some of the world's finest traditional Irish musicians will gather in Baltimore to teach workshops, perform and lead sessions.


Friday, April 14, 2023

7:30pm - 10:30pm: Welcome Ceili and Session

Where: Center for the Arts, 3400 Norman Ave., Baltimore, 21213

What: Everyone will be arriving Friday and we're excited to start the weekend with a ceili and a few tunes! . Workshop registrants can pick up their packets at the session between 8-10pm.

Trad Fest Ceili Band: Peter Brice, Button Accordion; Megan Mette, Fiddle; Conor Hearn, Guitar; Caller, Megan Downes.  

Refreshments offered for sale. (Bring cash )

$20  (Included in the full weekend package)

Saturday, April 15, 2023

9:30 am - 3:30 pm: Music and Dance Workshops

Where: Center for the Arts, 3400 Norman Ave., Baltimore, 21213

9:00 am: Registration for Music and Dance Workshops

9:30 am: Orientation and Warm Up for Music and Dance Workshops

10:00 am - 3:30 pm: Music and Dance Workshops

(Lunch break 12-1:30) A fantastic selection of gourmet sandwich lunch boxes plus beverage will be available in the kitchen for $15 (please bring exact change-cash) Hand made by Yes Chef!

What: A fun and intensive small group class (described on the Workshops page) with some incredible teachers and world class performers, in many different instruments, as well as song and dance. This is a great opportunity to meet other musicians and learn from the masters! Saturday classes are designed to be an intensive immersion experience and are thus held simultaneously, and participants will spend four hours with one instructor of Irish music, however half days may be offered upon request. There will be an intermediate session during the lunch break. Classes available for beginners though advanced levels. Visit the Workshops for full list of classes and class descriptions.)?

See Register page for fees, and to sign up. Advanced registration strongly encouraged.

12-1:20: Lunch Break Session led - All are welcome to join!

3:45-6 pm: Intermediate Session

Where: Center for the Arts, 3400 Norman Ave., Baltimore, 21213

What: An Intermediate level session. Free to workshop participants

8pm: Irish Music Masters Concert at The Creative Alliance

Where: Creative Alliance, 3134 Eastern Ave., Baltimore, MD

What: A highlight of the Baltimore Irish Trad Fest, this all-star concert features some of the world's greatest performers of traditional Irish music, song and dance. This rarely equaled array of internationally known talents from around the U.S. and Ireland.

Tickets: $32

11pm: Music Sessions at the James Joyce Pub

Where: James Joyce Pub, 616 President Street, Baltimore, MD

What: After the concert, participants and performers alike will gather at the James Joyce Irish Pub in Harbor East to socialize and play music together.  Session will last until 2AM.  Food and Drink will be available for purchase

Tickets: Sessions are open and free to the public

Sunday, April 16, 2023

11:00am-1:00pm: Brunch Session

Enjoy a fabulous brunch followed by some tunes.  Arrive early. Brunch available for purchase. Free and open to all - come play, dance or listen. With Jim Eagan & friends

Free and open to the public


11:00am-12:30pm: Advanced Harp workshop with Lexie Boatright

$40 (included in the full weekend pass)

This workshop is for players who are familiar with the harp and would like to take a deeper dive into the approach to playing Irish traditional music on the instrument.  Harps are not provided.
@ BLUEBIRD GREEN ROOM (Main Level) 3600 Hickory Avenue

12:00pm-1:00pm: Musician Health and Wellness Seminar with Sean McComiskey, PT DPT


$20 per class, $50 for all three slots (Included in the Full Weekend Package)

1:15-2:30pm Choose one:

Panel: History of Irish Traditional Music and Dance in America @ BLUEBIRD GREEN ROOM (Main Level) - 3600 Hickory Avenue

Irish Traditional Singing Style and Technique with Eileen Estes @American Legion Post 2 - 3606 Hickory Avenue

2:45-4:00pm Choose one:

Tune Repertoire Class with staff
@American Legion Post 2 - 3606 Hickory Ave

Mindful Movement with Kieran Jordan@BLUEBIRD PUB (Lower Level) - 3600 Hickory Avenue

4:15-5:30pm Choose one:

History of Irish Traditional Music in Baltimore with Billy McComiskey and friends

Song Repertoire Class with Eileen Estes & Catherine O'Kelly
@ BLUEBIRD PUB (Lower Level) - 3600 Hickory Avenue

5:30pm: Farewell Sessions
@ BLUEBIRD PUB 3600 Hickory Ave, Baltimore, MD 21211
@ BLUEBIRD GREEN ROOM 3600 Hickory Ave, Baltimore, MD 21211

Put what you've learned to work and play some tunes at the Bluebird Green Room or sing some songs in the Bluebird Pub with staff and guest musicians.  Free and open to all - come play, dance or listen.  Led by staff

Free and open to the public

Visit the Register page or more info or to sign up.

Programming subject to change.


April 14-16, 2023

Register Now

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