
Blackstone Library News October 20, 2023

Schools and Libraries

October 20, 2023

From: Blackstone Branch Library

We are so excited to bring this event back to the Blackstone Library. The evening will consist of whiskey and spirit tasting (provided by Branford Wine & Liquor), sessions with psychic mediums, silent auction, light refreshments and so much more!
 Tickets on sale now! $40 per soul. They may be purchased at the Blackstone Library or by clicking the link below. Must be 21+.

Questions? Please contact Tina Strell at tstrell@blackstonelibrary.org

All proceeds from this event benefit programs and services offered at Blackstone Library. 

Purchase tickets


The events listed below are not sponsored by Blackstone Library.

Flu Clinics 2023

Saturday, Oct. 21
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Wallingford Public Library
200 North Main Street, Wallingford

Thursday, Nov. 2
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Community Dining Room
30 Harrison Avenue, Branford

Stony Creek Holiday Fair:  Stony Creek Congregational Church will hold their Holiday Fair on Saturday, November 18, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.  The Fair will feature a wide variety of themed gift baskets, children’s gifts, baked goods, jewelry, gold elephant tables, holiday greenery, unique ornaments and decorations. All proceeds will benefit the church.  Event will be held rain or shine.  Stony Creek Church is located directly across from the beach in Stony Creek (Branford) at 192 Thimble Island Rd. For more information contact the church office at 203-488-7827 or office@stonycreekchurchct.org

Local organizations: to have your event included here, email communityevents@blackstonelibrary.org.

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Religious and political materials are permissible for informational purposes or special events; materials that have the primary effect to proselytize for a single point of view will not be accepted.