
Board Of Education Sends Policy Revisions Out For Public Comment

Schools and Libraries

October 18, 2023

From: Guilford County Schools

The Guilford County Schools Board of Education voted to send the following policies out for public comment:

The proposed revision to policies 2400 and 2410 Board Policies and Policy Development are recommended to consolidate and update content related to Board policy development to be consistent with state law and current practice.

The proposed repeal of policies 2410.5 and 2420 Policy Development and Adoption of Policies is recommended to streamline the Board’s policies related to board policy and policy development.

The revision of Policy 4023/7233 Pregnant and Parenting Students and Employees is recommended to incorporate new requirements of federal law related to accommodations for pregnant and nursing workers pursuant to the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. The NCSBA (North Carolina School Boards Association) recommends that this content be added to existing policy 4023 which covers pregnant and parenting students, and the revision also incorporates the input of Legal Counsel.

The revision of policy 4300 Student Discipline reflects a comprehensive review of the student discipline processes informed by collaboration with legal counsel and school leaders. Significant changes include referencing appropriate procedures for responding to misbehavior by students with disabilities, clarifying that student conduct occurring online may be addressed through school processes when it impacts the school environment, describing alternative learning programs as a placement option providing intensive support for instructional purposes, and revising the long-term suspension appeal process to be a true appeal based on the transcript and records of the hearing, as well as optional written and/or oral statements.

Policy 4353 Student Expulsion was last revised in 1995 and contains duplicate information from Policy 4300, and it is recommended for repeal.

The public can submit feedback on the policy revisions for 30 days by sending an email to [email protected]. The Board of Education will consider the revision at its December meeting.