
CAGOP Statement on Presidential Debate

Government and Politics

September 11, 2024

SACRAMENTO - On September 11, 2024 Night, CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson issued the following statement on the first presidential debate between former President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris:

“What Americans witnessed this evening was a failed California Democrat who refused to take accountability for her disastrous record. Kamala Harris deserves credit for an open southern border that inspired millions of illegal crossings, Bidenflation that leaves too many living paycheck to paycheck, a war on American energy that drives up costs for consumers and incompetent foreign policy that leaves our nation less safe on the global stage. It’s clear Kamala Harris isn’t ready for primetime. Under the leadership of President Trump, our country was safer, wealthier and stronger, and on November 5, Americans will reelect President Trump to get our nation back on track.”