Arts and Entertainment
February 11, 2025
From: Carolina FiberfestSchedule:
Thursday, March 13,2025
Spinner's Toolbox: Supported Long Draw, with Julie Drogsvold - 12-3pm
Explore the Core, with Crystal Hesser - 12-5pm
Making Yarn on a Spindle, with Cynthia Haney - 3-5pm
Spinner's Toolbox: Spinning from the Fold, with Julie Drogsvold - 4-7pm
Entrelac Knitting, with Rusty Boyd - 9am-1pm
All About Brioche, with Amie Palmer - 9am-3pm
Cables: Twisting the Knit Away, with Rusty Boyd - 2-5pm
What Do I Do Now?!?? Fixing And Preventing Knitting Mistakes, with Amie Palmer - 4-7pm
Textural Techniques in Felt Making, with Patti Barker - 10am-4pm
Ecoprint Naturally on Silk and Wool, with Theresa Brown - 10am-4pm
Freestyle Weaving for the Creative Spirit (Beginning) (A), with Liza Q Wirtz - 12-3pm
Fiber Prep
Gettin’ Batty with It: Art-Batt Tools and Techniques (A), with Liza Q Wirtz - 4-7pm
Fiber-ology (What to look for at a Fleece Sale & more), with Alesia Moore - 5-7pm
Other Subjects
Hands on Angora Rabbits, with Elaina Kenyon - 12-3pm
Sewing for Fiber Artists, with Julie A Benac - 12-6pm
Friday, March 14,2025
Beginning Drop Spindle (A), with Chelsea Fehskens - 8-9am
Introduction to Spinning Flax on a Spinning Wheel, with Hannah Smith - 9am-12pm
Beginning Spinning on Spinning Wheel (A), with Julie Wilson - 9am-1pm
Beginning Spinning on Spinning Wheel (B), with Julie Wilson - 2-6pm
Cotton Spinning Made Easy, with Julie Drogsvold - 9am-3pm
Spinning Easy and Elegant Artisan Yarns, with Julie A Benac - 10am-4pm
Introduction to Drop Spindle Spinning, with Hannah Smith - 1-3pm
Electric Sheep: Basic Experiential e-Spinning, with Liza Q Wirtz - 3-6pm
Learn to Spin Supported, with Crystal Hesser - 4-6pm
Intermediate Drop Spindle, with Cynthia Haney - 4-6pm
Two-At-A-Time Socks, with Amie Palmer - 9am-12pm
Choose Your Own Adventure Shawl, with Lisa Doherty - 1-4pm
Knit Socks that Fit, with Amie Palmer - 5-7pm
Needle Felted Succulents, with Alesia Moore - 9-11am
Sculptural Nuno Felt Hat, with Patti Barker - 9am-3pm
Painting with Wool - Cherry Blossoms, with Alesia Moore - 12-3pm
Needle & Wet Felted Spring/Easter Eggs, with Alesia Moore - 4-7pm
Owl - Needle Felted, with Melissa Gray - 4-7pm
Freeform Favorite Shawl, with Lisa Doherty - 9am-12pm
Granny Square (crochet), with Rusty Boyd - 9am-12pm
Tunisian Crochet Beginner Coaster (A), with Siobhan Boothe - 1-2pm
Intro To Crochet, with Amie Palmer - 1-4pm
Next Steps in Tunisian Crochet (A), with Siobhan Boothe - 5-6pm
Ecoprint in Color on Silk and Wool, with Theresa Brown - 9am-3pm
Dyeing with Mushrooms, an Introduction to Using Fungi as a Dye Source (A), with Cody Hecker - 4-5:30pm
Seeds to Rainbow: Start Your Dye Garden (A), with Stacy Bohovsky - 5-6pm
Small Tapestry Weaving, with Leeman Smith - 9am-1pm
Fiber Prep
Gettin’ Batty with It: Art-Batt Tools and Techniques (B), with Liza Q Wirtz - 9am-12pm
Mostly Mohair - Working Happily with Goat Fibers, with Elaina Kenyon - 2-5pm
Other Subjects
Curly Lamb - Punch Needle, with Kathy Donovan - 1-6pm
Saturday, March 15,2025
Beginning Drop Spindle (B), with Chelsea Fehskens - 9-10am
Beginning Spinning on Spinning Wheel (C), with Julie Wilson - 8am-12pm
Beginning Spinning on Spinning Wheel (D), with Julie Wilson - 1-5pm
Introduction to Spinning Cellulose Fibers, with Hannah Smith - 9-11am
Tailspinning! Tailspinning! Tailspinning!, with Crystal Hesser - 9am-12pm
Introduction to Supported Spindle Spinning, with Hannah Smith - 12-2pm
Create & Spin Your Own Art Yarns Using a Blending Board, with Julie Drogsvold - 3-6pm
The Shape of the Shawl, with Rusty Boyd - 9am-12pm
Sea Turtle - Needle Felted, with Melissa Gray - 8-11am
Needle Felted Jewelry (Pendant and Brooch), with Alesia Moore - 9-11am
Felted Texting Gloves, with Patti Barker - 9am-1pm
Easter Extravaganza: Felted Eggs, Bunnies, Lambs & Chicks, with Alesia Moore - 1-5pm
Rabbit Painting - Needle Felted, with Melissa Gray - 2-5pm
Tunisian Crochet Beginner Coaster (B), with Siobhan Boothe - 12-1pm
Next Steps in Tunisian Crochet (B), with Siobhan Boothe - 2-3pm
Beginner Amigurumi, with Arden Jones - 9am-12pm
Next Steps In Crochet, with Amie Palmer - 9am-12pm
Reading Crochet Diagrams, with Amie Palmer - 1-4pm
Wonky Freeform Spirals, with Lisa Doherty - 1-4pm
Dyeing with Mushrooms, an Introduction to Using Fungi as a Dye Source (B), with Cody Hecker - 3-4:30pm
Seeds to Rainbow: Start Your Dye Garden (B), with Stacy Bohovsky - 4-5pm
Ecoprint on Leather, with Theresa Brown - 9am-3pm
Freestyle Weaving for the Creative Spirit (Beginning) (B), with Liza Q Wirtz - 9am-12pm
Continuing Your Freestyle Weaving Journey, with Liza Q Wirtz - 1-4pm
Fiber Prep
Build & Use Your Own Blending Board, with Julie Drogsvold - 11am-2pm
Wool and Beyond - Selection, Preparation and Handling, with Elaina Kenyon - 1-4pm
Other Subjects
Lamb Ornament - Punch Needle, with Kathy Donovan - 1-4pm
Introduction to Embroidery, with Hannah Smith - 3-5pm
Date: March 13 - 15, 2025
Location: North Carolina State Fairgrounds, 1025 Blue Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC 27607