
Chairman Proto Files Another SEEC Complaint Against Democrat Candidate for State Representative Amanda Veneziano

Government and Politics

October 24, 2024

MIDDLETOWN - Following a recent mailer sent to voters by Amanda Veneziano, Democrat candidate for the 55th State House District, Connecticut Republican Chairman Ben Proto filed a complaint with the State Elections Enforcement Commission. 

“The disregard for the law and the intent of clean elections is a clear indication Amanda Veneziano is not of sound character and should not be serving in public office” Proto said. “This is the second time she has willfully ignored the spirit and letter of the law, the first time, she admitted to breaking the law but still received her grant, this time, she used that grant to break the law again.” 

The Veneziano campaign focused a majority of her recent marketing material on the defeat of Donald Trump, Republican candidate for President. Campaign finance law is clear: Participating CEP candidates may only make expenditures to promote the nomination or election of themselves and never to benefit or defeat federal candidates. 

 “The values of the voters in that district are clear. They want honesty, respectability, and morality out of their public servants” continued Proto. “Breaking the law twice for your own political expediency is not true leadership or reflective of the morals public servants should possess.” 

This complaint comes after a May complaint submitted by Chairman Proto regarding falsified home address records found on the filing of Amanda Veneziano. Since that filing, SEEC voted to authorize an investigation into Ms. Veneziano’s filing, and Ms. Veneziano has publicly admitted that her family members used incorrect addresses to donate to her campaign. 

“The facts here are simple. Amanda Veneziano doesn’t know what she believes and is trying to change her party affiliation and tell voters anything they want to hear to be elected, but tigers never change their stripes. Voters in the 55th District see what kind of candidate and person she truly is” concluded Proto.