
Christ Church Uniting News - June 31, 2023

Religion and Spirituality

August 1, 2023

From: Christ Church Uniting

Moment of Contemplation:

The world is filled with great beauty and great need. May glimpses of beauty fill our Spirits so that we have the capacity to engage the needs of our neighbors.
Share Good News this week. Smile at a neighbor. Call or send a note to someone you haven't talked to in a while. Find a unique way to share the blessing of beauty with others.

Prayer Requests:
 - We pray that we would be so beguiled by the beauty of the world that we might have the compassion and resources to stay engaged with the needs of our neighbors.

 - We pray for the youth at RYSE that they would find what they need to thrive. We pray for the family and friends of Acacia Brown, who lost her life this past week.
 - We pray for Lauren Medeiros as she represents CCU at the Disciples of Christ General Assembly in Louisville.

 - We continue to pray for Lucy Walter’s and family after the death of her husband Jim.
 - We continue to pray for the Woodall, Jones, and Gilcher families on the loss of a beloved brother and Uncle Victor Jones.  He was a true Renaissance Cowboy who loved his family, 10-gallon hats, boots and protecting the environment.

 - We continue to pray for Cynthia Tchou to find healing, strength, and recovery after a fall.

 - We continue to lift Richard in prayer for healing and rest.

 - We continue to pray for Paul & Dottie Brennan. They welcome calls and visits.

 - We continue to pray for Karen, Melissa's sister, for radiation treatments.

 - We continue to pray for Laurie and Rob Seaver as Rob undergoes cancer treatment.

 - We continue to pray for the family and friends of Mary Lee Stone and give thanks for a life well lived.