
City of Albany News - Community Notification: Statement on Tyre Nichols

Government and Politics

January 30, 2023

From: City of Albany

Community Notification: Statement on Tyre Nichols

I am saddened that this notice must be sent out, but I want to address the violence inflicted on Mr. Tyre Nichols by five former members of the Memphis Police Department. The brutal actions captured in the video are difficult to watch and are counter to the oath we took to protect others while we serve our community. 

The actions of these officers were unlawful and it is good to see steps are swiftly being taken to address this and begin the process of seeking justice. 

We do our best to foster a culture of respect and care for others and have policies and training in place that require de-escalation and intervention: www.albanyca.org/policies-procedures-training

I understand the impact tragic incidents like this have on the public's trust and recognize we will need to repair the damage others have done to our profession. 

-John Geissberger, Chief of Police