
City Of Glendale Community Newsletter - August 10, 2023

Government and Politics

August 11, 2023

From: City Of Glendale

YOUR GLENDALE COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER: the stories behind the headlines

Many Glendale neighborhoods proudly fly the AMERICAN FLAG every day of the year, including Kaiser Permanente, but not the YWCA nor the YMCA. Are these so-called Christian organizations too busy being political?

The original names Young Women's or Young Men's Christian Associations were hijacked by the "so-called" Progressive Liberal Democrats leaving behind the acronym (YWCA and YMCA), not their Christian meanings.

In June and early July, Glendale YWCA flew the Queer/Transgender Pride Flag and never an AMERICAN FLAG. The Glendale YMCA has no flagpole but has a year-long banner in front of their building on Louise Street that reads 100 Centennial Celebration YMCA Glendale.

Despite some organizations not being PATRIOTIC, in 2023, 1.3 million active-duty men and women are defending our country from our would-be enemies.


Mr. Mohill,
You are spot on!
I noticed a similar transformation at the Burbank "Y" during Covid. I kept getting e-mails that they were having Drag Queen Storytime for the little kids, and I thought, "You can't be serious!"

But they were very serious. They had an agenda, and they will never stop shoving it down our throats. I had to cancel my membership because I was so offended.

If adults want to live an alternative lifestyle, that is fine, but I don't need to know about it. "Leave our kids the hell alone! "

I have lived in Glendale for over 27 years and have always found the overwhelming majority of the community to be conservative. It seems like the majority no longer rules in this city or this country, for that matter. Not everybody can move to Florida!

LEE BARTOLETTI, GLENDALE: Ref: Patriotism versus YWCAl
Mr. Mohill,

Thanks for what you are doing. Glendale has changed (been transformed) greatly since I was a boy in the '60s and '70s, which is alarming. I taught in Glendale during the '90s, and even then, the city was similar to what I grew up with. Yet, what is being taught in GUSD now, I could not even have imagined, would be tolerated, much less promoted. I am saddened and angered at how the Leftists have infiltrated the city governments at all levels.

As regard the YWCA, I learned how to swim at the Glendale branch; I even saw Mr. Ed of TV fame there. It is disgusting what the "Y" has turned into. Anyway, thanks again for all your work.

GARY ALLEN, GLENDALE, Ref: Patriotism Versus YWCA

Hi Mike,
Great job. My dad is rolling in his grave as an ex-Mayor of Glendale on what is happening in our city right now. I'm tired of the liberals and nobody with any backbone running our city. Vern Allen was Mayor with Jim Perkins and Carl Messick, president of the Y at the time. Great job keeping us informed.

LOIS LEE BILLINGS, ALTADENA, Ref: Patriotism Versus YWCA Keep up the pressure, Mike. Maybe there will be a change. Christian principles are not much different than Jewish ideals from which Christianity sprung -- with the help of Jesus.

MARY NAJARIAN, GLENDALE: Ref: Queen Paula Devine Is Wishy-Washy On Districts
Dear Mr. Mohill,
I want to thank you for sharing an extraordinary biography of Ms. Paula Devine. As a regular reader of your newsletter and also a follower of city council meetings, I was intrigued to learn about how much Paula has done and continues to do for our community. I am glad to know that City Council has another dedicated civil servant on the dais, who has no personal agenda other than to serve the community.

Thank you for sharing this information with us.

Your old friend,
Mary Najarian
(Mother of Councilman Ara Najarian)


Southern California Extreme Watch Website claims the YWCA Glendale is a Christian non-profit shelter. Yet, any reference to Jesus Christ cannot be found at a YWCA or YMCA building in Glendale, California.

According to Jessica First, President of YWCA Glendale, she stated: "YWCA's mission, originally inspired by principles derived from Christianity, has in recent years embraced an inclusive vision and, in December 2015, Young Women's Christian Association changed its name to YWCA USA, Inc."

"YWCA Glendale and Pasadena embody the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion and employ and serve people of all faiths as well as those with no religious affiliation."

In other words, the original name, Young Women's Christian Association, has been hijacked by the so-called "Progressive" Liberal Democrats.

GLENDALE EXTREMIST WATCH calls Your Glendale Community Newsletter a radical newsletter because its editor does not subscribe to the so-called "Progressive" Liberal Democrat agenda. GEW states our Newsletter is extremist. These are the words this website puts out for its members to read. We call those words a badge of courage and honor.

GLENDALE EXTREMIST WATCH misleads the public on Mike Mohill: "Mohill sent harassers to YWCA w/extremist newsletter. Uses newsletter to amplify hate messaging against Jewish people, POC, LGBT+, GUSD teachers & admin."

Where does Mohill begin:
1. Mohill is Jewish.
2. Mohill has black and brown friends.
3. Mohill has gay and lesbian friends.
4. Mohill supports teachers and administrators who do not have a political radical left-leaning agenda.
5. Mohill holds accountable the so-called "Progressive" Liberal Democrats for hijacking the Young Women's Christian Association in 2015 to the acronym YWCA USA, Inc... Any symbols of Christianity have been removed from the YWCA and the YMCA property.

Please watch and enjoy the adjacent video: GOD BLESS THE USA


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