
City Of Glendale Community Newsletter - December 6, 2022

Government and Politics

December 6, 2022

From: City Of Glendale

Hello Friends And Neighbors,
Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Woke Progressive Liberal Democrat Laura Friedman

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Woke Progressive Liberal Democrat Laura Friedman

Woke Progressive Liberal Democrat State Assemblywoman Laura Friedman wearing her bicycle riding headgear.

On Tuesday evening, November 29, 2022, Assemblywoman Laura Friedman addressed Glendale City Council and informed the public that she secured nearly $15 million for the City of Glendale.

Friedman stated the funding was in response to requests made by the Glendale City Council and was proud that she was able to secure more than $6 Million for the Glendale Central Library, which could be used to complete the Children's Room and the new teen center.

We believe the Glendale Central Library neglected the Children's room during the Central Library's massive renovation a few years ago. The library also missed the golden opportunity to renovate the Children's room during the pandemic, when the library was shut anyway. Therefore, although the state's contribution of $6 million toward a new Children's room is welcome, it would have been far more welcome years ago so that children and teens would not have had to wait for enriching reading materials instead of spending all their time focused on their cell phones. Today, Glendale Central Library has books for children on LGBTQ and Critical Race Theory.

Friedman stated she secured more than $6 million in funding for The Verdugo Wash Vision, which many residents are opposed to because it will bring crime and noise and invade their privacy.

We believe these residents feel their quality of life will be sacrificed for Laura Frieman's fan club of affluent white male bike riders who are all in for this plan.

Friedman secured $2.5 million to acquire open space in North Glendale.

Friedman also secured funds dedicated to the bridge that is to connect Glendale to Griffith Park.

We believe Friedman's woke affluent white male fan club of bike riders is all in for this plan.

Friedman said AB 1909, the OmniBike bill, will remove "pretexts for harassing people on bikes, help people on bikes and people in cars share the road more safely, expand e-bike access, and legalize common sense biking," according to ccalbike.org.

We believe Friedman's woke, affluent white male fan club of bike riders is all in for this plan.

What was missing Tuesday evening was the Woke Progressive Liberal Democrat Assemblywoman Friedman stating she secured money to purchase the Sears property for the purpose of a new South Glendale Regional Park, a park with trees and grass and not more buildings like this council and the previous council has done to "Central Park."

State Assemblywoman Laura Friedman having the state of California purchase the Sears' property for a Regional Park in park-starved South Glendale would improve the Quality of Life of your disenfranchised constituents.


A rendering of the proposed monstrosity of a 682 unit apartment complex in the heart of Glendale. There goes my neighborhood.

On December 6, 2022, at 3:00 pm, our Glendale City Council will hear a proposal at the former Sears site for another monstrosity of a multi-complex housing project with 682 units, which includes 69 very low-income dwellings. At the corner of 201 W. California Ave., roughly 38,000 square feet of the previously occupied Sears Auto Center will be turned into another MINI-PARK for South Glendale residents.

Our City Council will eventually approve the 682-unit multi-complex development because the City needs the Property Tax revenue to help pay down our underfunded city union pension obligations.

The traffic is already a nightmare in downtown Glendale. The 682-unit apartment complex will add even more traffic in downtown Glendale. The Sears housing monstrosity project will be backed by union carpenters and electricians, many of whom will not be Glendale residents.

This council and previous City Councils keep telling the public they also represent South Glendale; they do not if they approve this 682-unit multi-complex housing project.

For South Glendale to have representation on our City Council, we need to change the City Charter to Council Districts, plus an elected Mayor and an elected City Attorney.

If our current City Council finds ways to purchase the Sears property and develop it as a Regional Park, they can leave behind a lasting proud legacy.

Who speaks for the residents of South Glendale on the Glendale City Council...NOBODY, including State Assemblywoman Laura Friedman!! The need for Council Districts is obvious.
Assemblywoman Laura Friedman Visits Glendale City council, Crescenta Valley Weekly, by Mary O'Keefe, 12/1/22.

682 Apartments, New Park Coming To Shuttered Sears Site In Downtown Glendale, Urbanize Los Angeles, by Steve Shard, 12/2/22.

The people who push for bike lanes tend to be predominately woke affluent white men and women who ride their bikes for recreation and do not go to work or go shopping.

Who are the people pushing for bicycle transportation without paying a fee to use the city streets? About 12.4% Americans cycle on a regular basis. Many cyclists see cycling as a form of exercise, not a convenient form of transportation; only 1.6% commute with their bikes and are low income. Cyclists push for bicycle lanes and create road diets for their bicycles.

78% of cyclists are White (71% of Cyclists are male and 28% are female)
7.2% of cyclists are Latino
6.8% of cyclists are Black

Cyclists campaign and donate money to politicians who support their causes, e.g., bike lanes for north Brand Blvd. between Glenoaks Blvd. and Mountain St. To accommodate the bike lanes, one travel lane in each direction will be removed, and a center left-turn lane will be added to the street. On-street parking will be retained using this plan. Additionally, one travel lane in both directions will be eliminated with new bike lanes on the 1.6 miles stretch along La Crescenta Blvd. north of the Oakmont Country Club. Cyclists are also pushing for bicycle lanes for The Verdugo Wash Vision Plan. [City OKs Plan For Crescenta Avenue Bike Plan].
(https://glendalenewspress.outlooknewspapers.com/2022/10/26/city-oks-plan-for-crescenta-avenue-bike-lane/), Glendale News-Press, 10/26/22, by Zane Hill.