
City Of Glendale: Metropolitan Completes Pipeline Repairs - Thank You for Conserving Water

Government and Politics

September 21, 2022

From: City Of Glendale

Dear Valued Customer,

Glendale Water & Power wants to take this opportunity to thank all of its customers who met the urgent request to avoid watering landscapes during Metropolitan Water District's (MWD) emergency pipeline repairs. MWD’s crews have completed repairs and the urgent call to stop watering has been lifted.

Since you have turned off your sprinkler system, this is a good time to re-program it to go back to two days per week watering, Tuesday’s and Saturday’s for no more than 10-minutes per station, per the current Phase III of the City’s Mandatory Water Conservation Ordinance. Today is a watering day!

Your water conservation actions during this shutdown helped to conserve water for Glendale and other areas that are fully dependent on the state’s depleted State Water Project system. Thank you!


Mark Young
General Manager
Glendale Water & Power