
City of Hercules - Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan January 26, 2023

Government and Politics

January 27, 2023

From: City Of Hercules

Input Needed for Hercules’
Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan

The City of Hercules recently launched the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan initiative to proactively address and review City parks, indoor recreation facilities, programs and events. Residents are encouraged to respond to the community survey available on the project’s dedicated website.

Take the Parks Use, Needs and Priorities Questionnaire

Participants that complete the survey and provide their contact information will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card.

In addition to the questionnaire, the City will host several community events to allow the public the opportunity to provide feedback as the process moves forward.

Opportunities include:

- Tuesday, 2/14 at 8 AM - Breakfast with a Badge Pop-up Booth at the Senior Center

- Saturday, 2/18 at 10 AM - Parks Master Plan Open House at the Community Center

- Saturday, 2/25 at 10 AM - Park Pop-up Booth at Refugio Valley Park

- Saturday, 3/4 at 10 AM - Park Pop-up Booth at Foxboro Park

- Sunday, 3/5 at 10 AM - Park Pop-up Booth at Duck Pond Park

- Tuesday, 3/7 at 2 PM - Spring into Wellness Senior Fair Pop-up Booth at the Senior Center

Please note, these dates and times are subject to change.

Hercules is home to thirteen parks of various sizes. Refugio Valley Park and Trail is about 55 acres and includes the City’s Community Swim Center. The other parks provide another 73 acres of park space. In addition to parks and recreation facilities, the City hosts a multitude of seasonal and year-around recreation events and programs at its five community centers.

Interested residents can sign up for updates regarding the Master Plan and the upcoming community engagement opportunities at www.ci.hercules.ca.us/PR-Facilities-Masterplan