
City Of Malibu News : Use Of Facemasks Inside Malibu City Hall Is Now 'Individual Preference'

Government and Politics

February 7, 2023

From: City Of Malibu

Use Of Facemasks Inside Malibu City Hall Is Now "Personal Preference" In Line With La County Department Of Public Health Guidance

The use of facemasks in City Hall is now "individual preference," in line with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH) guidance on the use of facemasks in indoor public spaces, due to Los Angeles County's low COVID-19 rates placing it in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) low community transmission level. For more details, visit the LADPH facemask use webpage.

LADPH's further facemask guidance:

- "Strongly Recommended" - in indoor public places if you are at risk for severe illness, especially if crowded or poorly ventilated, on public transit, as well as taxis, ride-shares, and medical transport; in transportation hubs, including airport, bus, subway and train terminals.

- "Required" - In healthcare settings; if you have COVID-19; in places where required by the site; in places where required by LADPH to manage an outbreak. 

December 9, 2022 - The use of facemasks is now recommended by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH) in indoor public spaces including Malibu City Hall due to the County's high COVID-19 rates. As deaths and hospitalizations continue to rise in Los Angeles County, surpassing numbers seen at this time last year, Public Health officials are asking residents to play an important role in limiting the spread of COVID-19 during the holiday season by updating their vaccines, masking indoors, testing before gatherings, and staying home when sick. See the press release.

October 6, 2022 - Due to the low community transmission rate of COVID-19, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health updated its rules regarding the use of facemasks to be an "individual preference" in indoor public settings including businesses and government offices, which includes Malibu City Hall. See more details, including in which settings facemask use is still required, strongly recommended or personal preference 

August 1, 2022 - the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH) notified the City of Malibu that facemasks are no longer required, but are still strongly recommended while inside Malibu City Hall. 

Friday, July 1, 2022 - LADPH had notified the City that, due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in the County and the resulting positive cases among City Hall staff, facemasks were required inside City Hall.

According to LADPH guidelines, which the City follows, a cluster of 3 or more cases of COVID-19 among workers in a workplace within a span of 14 days is considered an “outbreak,” which triggers additional safety protocols, including requiring the use of facemasks indoors. Malibu City Hall, which has approximately 85 employees, had 4 positive cases over a 14-day period, June 14 – 27. All of the cases were contracted outside of City Hall, and were not transmitted among staff inside City Hall.

The City of Malibu is committed to protecting the public health of the community and the safety of the visiting public and the City staff in City Hall, and follows all LADPH COVID-19 guidelines

All City services and programs continue as scheduled. City Hall is open 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM, Monday – Thursday, and 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM Fridays. Members of the public may also make use of the City’s services and appointments available online, over phone, video conference or email when possible. For information on making virtual appointments, visit the City's Appointments webpage