
City Of Malibu Updates - December 21, 2022

Government and Politics

December 22, 2022

From: City Of Malibu


- Friday, December 23 - Christmas Eve Holiday (observed) - City Hall and Senior Center closed at 11:30 AM

- Monday, December 26 - Christmas Day Holiday (observed) - City Hall and Senior Center closed all day

- Friday, December 30 - New Years Eve Holiday (observed) - City Hall and Senior Center closed at 11:30 AM 

Happy Holidays From The City Of Malibu

The Malibu City Council and City staff wish you a safe and happy holiday and a happy new year in 2023. We look forward to working together on Malibu's most important issues and serving the community in the coming year. 

(New) Newly Elected City Councilmembers, Mayor And Mayor Pro Tem Sworn In To Begin Their Terms 

The Malibu City Council swore in two newly elected City Councilmembers and the City’s next Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem during the Council meeting on Monday, December 12, 2022. Video of the Council changeover is available to view on the website. Mayor Pro Tem Bruce Silverstein was elected by the City Council to serve as the Malibu’s next Mayor. Councilmember Steve Uhring was elected by the Council to serve as Mayor Pro Tem. Incoming Councilmembers Marianne Riggins and Doug Stewart, who were elected to the City Council in the November 8, 2022 Malibu General Municipal Election, were sworn in to begin their terms. Outgoing Councilmembers Karen Farrer and Mikke Pierson ended their terms, and were thanked for their years of service to Malibu. 

Wildfire Safety 

(New) Wildfire Conditions Update

Live Fuel Moisture (LFM) and Conditions LFM is up to 74% as of December 1, a significant improvement from 56% on October 27. LFM can be as high as 200%, while 60% and below is considered critical for hazardous fire conditions. As part of continuous wildfire preparedness, the City tracks LFM as well as relative humidity, temperature, and dead fuel moisture to determine fire conditions for Malibu. The LFM is the percentage of water content to dry matter in live vegetation. The Los Angeles County Fire Department Forestry Division conducts sampling of chamise (Adenostoma Fasciculatum), a primary chaparral plant species, approximately every two weeks and posts the results on their website

Large wildfires can still occur with LFM levels of 60% - 80%. Above 80%, wildfires are unlikely to grow large and spread quickly as long-range spotting is greatly diminished due to new grass growing in, and fuel beds being greener and containing more moisture that must be vaporized before the fuels will ignite. No rain is expected through December 29, and at least one Santa Ana wind event is forecast before the end of the year. Large wildfires that threaten lives and properties are still possible, and hazardous fire conditions and strong Santa Ana winds have occurred well into January. See detailed weather information.

(New) Register Now For The City’s Free Hazard Tree Removal 

The City is once again accepting applications for the free Hazard Tree Removal Program. The City secured additional grant funding to extend the popular program, with work scheduled to start in January. This service is one of the ways that the City is addressing wildfire hazards in Malibu. Proper brush clearance and removing hazardous trees are important ways to create defensible space to make your home more fire-resistant and help firefighters defend your home. One of the City’s Fire Safety Liaisons and a licensed arborist will come to your home to determine if trees meet the program's criteria. For more information and to sign up, visit the webpage.

Make Your Wildfire Preparedness A Year-Round Effort 

Residents are advised to continue preparing for wildfires, and to make it a year-round effort. Closely monitor local fire weather conditions and warnings on the National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard website whenever hazardous wildfires conditions are forecast. Create or review your family or business emergency plan, including evacuation routes and reunification locations, and gather emergency supplies. Check the expiration dates on food and medication. When Red Flag fire conditions are forecast, keep your vehicle fuel tank filled. Make sure you are able to open electric gates or garage doors when the power is out. For preparedness guidance, get the Malibu Survival Guide. Most importantly, make sure flammable materials and vegetation are cleared away from your home. Schedule a free Home Wildfire Hardening Assessment by emailing [email protected], calling 310-456-2489, ext. 388 or visiting the Fire Safety webpage.

Schedule Your Free Home Wildfire Hardening Assessment 

Now is a great time for Malibu homeowners to schedule a free home wildfire hardening assessment with the City’s Fire Safety Liaisons to learn how to protect your home from the millions of burning embers that can fly up to two miles out ahead of a wind-driven wildfire. Flying embers are a leading cause of homes burning down during wildfires. The 30-60 minute inspections follow the Fire Code and nationally recognized best practices. You can learn simple and often inexpensive steps, such as maintaining good brush clearance, keeping dead vegetation and flammable materials such as wood furniture away from the house, and covering up eave vents with metal mesh. Schedule an appointment by emailing [email protected] or calling 310-456-2489, ext. 388 or visiting the Fire Safety webpage

Public Safety

(New) Homeless Outreach Update

The City’s Homeless Outreach Team, which consists of three outreach workers and a housing navigator from The People Concern, reported that, in November 2022, it was in contact with 95 people experiencing homelessness, seven of whom were either relocated or placed into permanent or temporary housing. The Outreach Team, in coordination with City Staff and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, proactively engage with people experiencing homelessness in an effort to prevent fires related to homeless encampments. Due to the re-opening of the Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority (LAHSA) Winter Shelter Program, the Outreach Team will prioritize assisting clients with shelter placement in addition to refocusing efforts on engaging with people living in RVs and vans on Pacific Coast Highway. Current and past monthly Homeless Outreach reports are available on the website

Community Volunteers Needed For The 2023 Great Los Angeles Homeless Count 

Community members can register now to volunteer for the Los Angeles Homeless Authority's (LAHSA) 2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count taking place in Malibu on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. Every year, thousands of volunteers help conduct the Homeless Count, an annual census of people experiencing homelessness across Los Angeles County to inform homelessness policy decisions and better direct resources to be able to address the homelessness crisis. Learn more and sign up to volunteer on the LAHSA website. For further questions, contact Public Safety Liaison Luis Flores at 310-456-2489, ext. 236 or [email protected].

Holiday Safety Tips

Christmas Trees - As we head into the holidays, our Public Safety Team has some safety tips for the community. A Christmas tree can go from a delightful household holiday symbol to a potential starting point of a dangerous house fire as it becomes dry and flammable, so don't wait too long to dispose of your holiday tree. The City offers free Christmas trees recycling December 27 through January 10, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (closed December 30 - January 2) at the Chili Cookoff lot at 23575 Civic Center Way. For curbside collection, remove all metal stands and decorations, and cut up the tree so that it fits into the yard waste bin. Check and refill the tree's water pan regularly. Keep holiday trees at least three feet away from any heat source. Make sure lighting cords are not worn out, check for broken bulbs, and do not overload electric outlets. See more holiday safety tips from the  LA County Fire Department

Decorative Candles - Decorative candles are the source of numerous house fires every year. Keep candles safely away from any flammable materials, and do not leave them burning unattended. 

Fireplaces - Always ensure that the chimney flue is open while using the fireplace to prevent smoke and carbon monoxide from flooding the house. Before starting a wood fire in your fireplace, make sure it is approved for wood burning. Have your chimney inspected annually and cleaned if necessary. 

Celebrate Responsibly to Help Keep Our Roads Safe - Celebrate responsibly during the holidays and New Year's Eve by having a designated driver, or using taxis or rideshares. 

Building Safety 

(New) City Continues Strong Opposition To Mrca Plans For Campsites In Malibu, Submitting Letter Of Opposition

The City of Malibu continued its strong opposition to the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority’s (MRCA) proposed plans for campsites and facilities at Malibu Bluffs and Ramirez Canyon Park, sending a letter of opposition to the MRCA listing its concerns with the projects and the MRCA’s approach. See the City’s letter of opposition to MRCA. The MRCA’s proposed plans ignore the very real threat that wildfire poses to lives and homes in Malibu, as well as well as to visitors, hikers and campers. All of Malibu is in a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone, and the community is still rebuilding and recovering from the devastating 2018 Woolsey Fire that burned 96,949 acres and destroyed 1,600 homes, including 480 in Malibu. The MRCA’s "Malibu Lower-Cost Accommodations Public Works Plan" (PWP) includes buildings and operating numerous and park and camping facilities, including trails, roads, campgrounds, yurts, buildings, an amphitheater and public outreach programs at the Malibu Bluffs Open Space; and operation of and upgrades to the existing campground at Ramirez Canyon Park. The City’s letter, sent on December 12, 2022, cites numerous concerns about wildfire safety, disaster response and evacuation, environmental impacts, impacts to the Malibu’s quality of life and resources, as well as issues with the MRCA plan’s lack of details, noticing and engagement with the City and the public.

2023 Building Codes Go Into Effect January 1. Deadline To Submit Projects Is December 31. Video Available Of Code Update Workshop 

The new 2023 Los Angeles County Building Codes go into effect Sunday, January 1. The City’s Permit Technicians will be reviewing online submittals on Tuesday, January 3 to determine which code cycle will apply to project submittals. For a project to be reviewed under the 2020 County of Los Angeles Codes, all required documents must have been provided by the deadline on Saturday, December 31 at midnight (submittals and payments are time stamped). All projects submitted on or after January 1, or those that are incomplete by the deadline, will be reviewed under the 2023 codes. Applicants are urged not to wait and to request their Building Safety plan review and permits now. Building Safety submittal requirements are listed on the webpageWatch video of the December 1 Code Update Workshop.


(New) Special Events Report

Currently, there are permitted events December 24, and January 3 and 5, as well as every Sunday for parking for the Malibu Farmers Market. The City of Malibu Planning Department posts a weekly report of approved event permits on the website. In order for members of the public to be informed of pending event permit applications and to provide an additional opportunity for public input, the City has changed the Event Permit Report format to include all event permit applications deemed complete for review for consistency and compliance with the requirements of the Malibu Municipal Code and the Planning Director’s action on each application. The updated Event Permit Report has been posted to the City's website. To sign up to receive an email or text message when an updated Event Permit Report is posted, visit the e-notifications page (scroll down to the "Special Event Permit Report" category).


(new) facemasks now recommended in city hall due to high covid-19 transmission rate

The use of facemasks is now recommended by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH) in indoor spaces including Malibu City Hall due to the County's high COVID-19 rates. As deaths and hospitalizations continue to rise in Los Angeles County, surpassing numbers seen at this time last year, Public Health officials are asking residents to play an important role in limiting the spread of COVID-19 during the holiday season by updating their vaccines, masking indoors, testing before gatherings, and staying home when sick. For more information, see the press release.

(New) - Covid-19 Statistics

City staff continues to monitor and respond to the pandemic by participating in regular briefings and conference calls with partner agencies and issuing alerts and notifications regarding changes to the situation. On December 20, 2022, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH) confirmed 21 new deaths and 2,186 new cases. Other key updates from the County’s COVID-19 Dashboard as of December 20, 2022, include the following:  

- 2,751 confirmed positive cases and 14 deaths in the City of Malibu to date
- 3,606,007 confirmed cases and 38,241 deaths in LA County to date
- 1,251 current hospitalizations in LA County, a decrease of 42 since December 6

City Hall / General 

(New) Holiday Closures Of City Facilities 

City Hall and Senior Center
Closed Christmas Eve (observed) Friday, December 23 at 11:30 AM; Christmas Day (observed) all day Monday, December 26; New Year's Eve (observed) Friday, December 30 at 11:30 AM; New Year's Day (observed) all day Monday, January 2. 

Open regular hours daily, 8:00 AM - sunset. Multipurpose Field at Malibu Bluffs Park will be closed for turf renovation and restoration December 12 - February 6. 

Malibu Community Swimming Pool
Closed December 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, January 1, 2, 16, February 20. Visit the Aquatics webpage for a complete schedule.   

Temporary Skate Park and Michael Landon Community Center at Malibu Bluffs Park
Closed December 25 and January 1. Closed at 3:00 PM on December 24 and 31. 

City Hall Hours

City Hall is open to the public. Regular City Hall hours are Monday through Thursday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM and Fridays 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Members of the public may come to City Hall without an appointment during public counter hours. An appointment will be needed for in-person assistance during any other hours. Appointments can be made online. The use of facemasks is now an "individual preference" while inside City Hall, in accordance with Los Angeles County Department of Public Health guidelines.

Public Counter Hours

- Planning: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, walk in. Other times by appointment only.
- Permit Services: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, walk-in and appointment. Other times by appointment only.
- Building Plan Check: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, walk-in and appointment. Other times by appointment only.
- Environmental Health: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, walk-in and appointment. Other times by appointment only.
- Geology / Coastal Engineering: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, walk-in and appointment. Other times by appointment only.
- Public Works: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, walk-in. Other times by appointment only.

To make virtual appointments with City staff and Departments, please call or email:

- Building Safety Department (including Environmental Health, Coastal Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering): Call 310-456-2489, ext. 390. Email [email protected].

- Planning Department: Call 310-456-2489, ext. 485. Email [email protected].

- Public Works Department: Call 310-456-2489, ext. 391. Email [email protected].

- All other City business: 310-456-2489, ext. 392. Email [email protected].

Malibu Senior Center At City Hall Open For In-Person Services And Activities 

The Senior Center is open for general and various in-person services and programs Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Seniors can use the general use areas of the Center, including the computer lab, library and various recreation programs. Staff is also available to assist with Dial-A-Ride questions and program registrations. Fresh coffee is available daily from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. For more information, call 310-456-2489, ext. 357 or visit the webpage.

Woolsey Fire Rebuild 

(New) - Malibu Rebuilds - Statistics

Staff continues to work with homeowners to rebuild. Here are the current Woolsey Fire rebuild statistics.  See continuously updated statistics on the Rebuild Portal

- Single Family Dwellings building permits issued - 249
- Single Family Dwellings complete - 116
- Multifamily building permits issued - 18 units
- Multifamily building units complete- 12 units

Planning Consultations And Rebuild Resources

The Fire Rebuild team is available Monday through Friday at City Hall for complimentary one-on-one consultations about any fire rebuild project. Contact Aakash Shah at [email protected] to set an appointment for a meeting by phone or online. For ideas about how to get started with your project, as well as numerous handouts, forms and resources, visit the Rebuild webpage

Environmental Sustainability

(New) Join The Organic Waste Recycling Workshop And Get A Free Kitchen Scraps Caddy, January 7

Community members can learn about the importance of, and how to successfully participate in the City’s Organic Waste Recycling Program by joining the virtual workshop on Wednesday, January 7 at 7:00 PM. Additional workshops are scheduled for January 18, February 15, March 15 and April 19. The Organic Waste Recycling Program is an important way that Malibu can fulfill its commitment as a community to be part of the efforts to address climate change and protect the environment. The link for the event is posted on the website. Attendees will receive a free kitchen scraps collection caddy (limit one per household). The 1.9 gallon, dishwasher-safe caddies are easy to fill, carry, empty, and clean, offering a convenient way to collect food scraps to be recycled. For more information about the program and to register for a workshop, visit the Organic Recycling webpage. For additional guidance on the organics recycling program, review the City's free online Zero Waste Guide.  

Christmas Tree Recycling Service

Free Christmas tree recycling is offered to the community December 27 through January 10, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (closed December 30 - January 2) at 23575 Civic Center Way (Chili Cook-off lot). Collected trees will be recycled into mulch. Remove all metal stands and decorations before dropping off trees. Please do not leave trees on the ground or outside the gate. For curbside collection options, remove all metal stands and decorations, and cut up the tree so that it fits into the yard waste bin. For trees too large to fit in the bin, contact your waste hauler.
Mandatory Water Use Restrictions In Effect Due To Drought

With the current drought estimated to be considerably more extreme than the 2015 drought, the Los Angeles County Waterworks Districts (LACWD) has issued mandatory water use restrictions for communities including the City of Malibu, which is served by Waterworks District 29. LACWD asks all customers to cut back their water usage by 30%. Outdoor and lawn watering is restricted to two days a week based on address numbering and property type:

- Tuesdays and Fridays = residential even number
- Mondays and Thursdays = residential odd number
- Mondays and Fridays = commercial
- 10 minutes per station maximum
- Only allowed between 6:00 PM and 10:00 AM

Separately, the City of Malibu also prohibits spray irrigation between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM, and prohibits any landscape irrigation within 48 hours of significant rainfall. See all of the City’s water conservation rules. See the complete list of LACWD water use restrictions at: LACWaterworks.org

Water Conservation Rebates And Resources 

Residents and businesses are urged to make use of the many rebates and resources available to help save money and water. Malibu residents and businesses can apply for a cash rebate to remove grass lawns of $5 per square foot (up to 5,000 square feet or $25,000 total). Other rebates for Malibu residents include water-saving toilets, laundry machines, sprinkler nozzles, rain barrels and cisterns, weather-based irrigation controllers and soil moisture sensor systems. Rebates and resources for commercial customers include water-saving devices, the Water Savings Incentive Program, the Onsite Retrofit Program, and the Public Agency Turf Replacement and Project Assistance Program. All of the rebates are listed  on the Socal Water Smart website.

Arts, Culture & Recreation 

(New) Enjoy Outdoor Programs At Charmlee Wilderness Park  

Trail restoration and erosion control work are nearly complete at the City’s beautiful Charmlee Wilderness Park to repair damage from the Woolsey Fire. It’s a great time to join the City’s Outdoor Programs at Charmlee during the cool winter weather. Join the Full Moon Hike on Friday, January 6, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM or the Sunset Hike on Saturday, January 14, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM. Other outdoor programs at Charmlee include Astronomy Night, Forest Bathing, Morning Hikes, Senior Walks, Volunteer Projects, Wildflower Hikes and Workshops. See details and register on the Outdoor Recreation webpage.  

(New) Video: Explore The Natural Beauty Of Charmlee Wilderness Park

Charmlee Wilderness Park offers miles of hiking trails in the natural habitats of the Santa Monica Mountains with expansive mountain and ocean views. Charmlee is home to many native species of wildlife, including mountain lions, bobcats, deer, coyotes, opossums, raccoons, skunks, rabbits, squirrels, hawks, owls, bats, snakes, lizards and other critters. The park is located on Encinal Canyon Road north of El Matador State Beach (see map) and is open from 8:00 AM to sunset daily. For more information, visit the webpageWatch a video highlighting this treasure of Malibu

Current Bids - Custodial Services

Custodial Services for Malibu City Hall and City Parks - The City is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide custodial services for Malibu City Hall and five City park facilities. The custodial services include but are not limited to cleaning, washing, emptying trash, and other services necessary to maintain and secure facilities in operational condition. Deadline: January 12, 2023, 4:00 PM. For more information, visit the website. 

Malibu Bluffs Park Multipurpose Field Closed For Rest And Renovation, December 12 – February 6

The Multipurpose Field at Malibu Bluffs Park will be closed for turf renovation and restoration in preparation for the spring season Monday, December 12 through Monday, February 6. The rest and renovation play an essential part in keeping the field safe and playable throughout the year. The park's other facilities will remain open. For information on recreation programs and facilities, visit the webpage or call 310-317-1364.

"Music Inspired Art" Exhibition In City Hall Gallery Open Through January 

The Arts Commission's new public art exhibition in the City Hall Gallery, “Music Inspired Art,” features original works by local artists inspired by music, including images of live concerts, reflections on music in visual forms, and illustrations of musicians. “Music Inspired Art” is on display through January 2023, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. (City Hall is closed Christmas Eve (observed) Friday, December 23 at 11:30 AM; Christmas Day (observed) all day Monday, December 26; New Year's Eve (observed) Friday, December 30 at 11:30 AM; New Year's Day (observed) all day Monday, January 2). Admission to the gallery is free. For more information visit the Arts Commission website

Public Works

Current Bids

Pacific Coast Highway Signal Synchronization Project - In general, the proposed improvements consist of upgrading the existing traffic signals on Pacific Coast Highway between Topanga Canyon Road and John Tyler Drive. The improvements include installing new fiber optic and conduit, upgrading the traffic signal poles and controller cabinets, potholing, temporary traffic control, and all other related work included in the Contract Documents and Specifications. Deadline: January 12, 2023, 3:30 PM. For more information, visit the website

Outreach & Feedback


The City maintains a robust e-notification system so the community can stay informed about all the City’s activities. Sign up to receive messages by text or email on the City’s e-notifications page

Further Questions

For questions or comments, contact the City Manager at [email protected].

See Past City Manager Updates