
City of Stamford - From The Mayor's Desk: November 4th, 2022

Government and Politics

November 8, 2022

From: City of Stamford

From the Mayor's Desk

City News

School Security Enhancements

On Wednesday, I was proud to stand alongside Stamford Superintendent Dr. Tamu Lucero, Police Chief Tim Shaw, and other public safety officials to announce school security enhancements focused in four key areas – school security, safety trainings, infrastructure, and emergency communications.

The safety and security of our students, teachers, and administrators is my utmost priority and after the recent hoax call at Stamford High School, my team, along with the Police Department, school district central office staff, and other key public safety officials met and conducted an internal after action-report to review our response to the incident.

These enhancements include:

School Security Upgrades – My administration submitted to the Board of Finance an immediate funding request to allocate $400,000 of the City’s remaining American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds for school security upgrades, including card readers and key fobs.

Safety Training – Building upon the active shooter training and the school security forum that were held earlier this year, Stamford Public Schools will conduct additional active shooter trainings in partnership with the Stamford Police Department. Training will also be coordinated with early childhood centers and private schools in Stamford.

Infrastructure Upgrades – All Long-Term Facilities plans for Stamford Public Schools will incorporate student safety and security into future school designs.

Emergency Communication Upgrades – The Department of Public Safety, in partnership with the City’s first responders and public safety officials, will continue to enhance the City’s emergency notification systems.

Unfortunately, we know these types of incidents are on the rise around the country, and while much of the work to ensure the proper procedures and protocols are in place for these types of emergency situations started before this incident, it was a good reminder that you can never be too proactive when it comes to our children’s safety.

I’m confident that through these enhancements and the work that our public safety officials are already doing in partnership with the Stamford Public Schools, we will be prepared and equipped to handle any type of emergency situation, should one ever occur.

Youth Mental Health Alliance launch

Yesterday, I was joined by City of Stamford Department of Health Director Jody Bishop-Pullan, Vin Tufo from the Vita Partnership, and members of the Stamford Youth Mental Health Alliance (YMHA) to roll out a new video highlighting the vision and mission of the Alliance, as well as highlighting the City's new Mental Health Resources brochure, which is available to residents in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole.

For too long, mental health concerns have been associated with stigma and dismissed as “someone else’s problem,” often until it happens to you or someone in your family. Through the Alliance, our nonprofit leaders and human service providers have rolled up their sleeves to identify best practices and trauma-informed strategies that will improve mental wellness in our community. Check out the video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ar3cps62RY.

Winter Storm Preparedness Training

This week, we held an important Winter Storm Preparedness Training Exercise in the Stamford Emergency Operations Center with public safety officials and first responders to make sure our City is prepared for the winter storm season.

Free Stress Management Program for Expecting New Moms

Calling all new & expecting moms! The City of Stamford Department of Health is hosting a FREE stress management program for expecting and new moms* at 137 Henry Street, starting this month.

Registration is required for this 6-week course. To register, go to bit.ly/stamfordmb, scan the QR code, or call 203-977-4389.

*Up to 1 year after birth or adoption. All who identify as mothers are welcome to join! We want this to be a safe place for everyone.

Congratulations to Building One Community on the grand opening of their new facility at 417 Shippan Avenue! B1C is an invaluable resource for so many immigrants in our City, providing free services that include ELL programs, immigration legal services, workforce development programs, and family and individual support services.

Their opening occurred last Friday, on National Immigrants Day, a day to reflect on the proud history and tradition we have of welcoming people from all over the world. The City of Stamford truly embodies this, as we are the 16th most diverse city in the nation and have a population that speaks over 70 different languages at home. As Mayor, I’m proud of this rich history and I am committed to working toward creating a more inclusive and equitable Stamford where all residents can thrive.

SPS Family Information Night

Stamford Public Schools offers numerous options for students interested in specialized high school programs. Students may apply for these programs regardless of their districted high school.

Middle school students and their families who are interested in learning more about specialized high school programs for the 2023-24 school year are invited to join us for High School Information Night on Wednesday, November 9 via Zoom. This program will be presented with simultaneous interpretation in Spanish.

What: Information about High School Programs for Stamford Public Schools Students
Who: Middle School Families – Especially 8th Grade Students and Families
When: Wednesday, November 9 at 6 pm
Where: via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XyZWN9F6QwyD4G3iDIMB8Q
Webinar ID: 896 3023 4831 / Passcode: 305445

Participating Schools/Programs:

 Academy of Information Technology & Engineering (AITE)* / Stamford Public Schools

Early College Studies Program at Stamford High School

International Baccalaureate (IB) Program at Stamford High School

Stamford Regional Agriscience Program at Westhill High School

J.R.O.T.C. Program at Westhill High School

J.M. Wright Technical High School^ / Connecticut Technical Education and Career System

Center for Global Studies at Brien McMahon High School^ / Norwalk Public Schools

 This event is sponsored by the school counselors at Cloonan, Dolan, Rippowam, Scofield, and Turn of River Middle Schools; the SPS Office of Family & Community Engagement; and the SPS College and Career Readiness Department.

 *Interdistrict program operated by Stamford Public Schools

^Interdistrict program not operated by Stamford Public Schools

This is just one platform where I will be sharing updates on a weekly basis, but you can also connect with me and my administration on the platforms below:

Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Follow the City of Stamford on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Send me an email at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

And of course, I will be out and about across the city every week visiting with local businesses, meeting with constituents, and hearing from stakeholders in our city – so I hope I’ll be able to talk to you in person very soon.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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