Arts and Entertainment
August 1, 2023
From: The Connecticut Audubon SocietyOne of the great things about the bird world is that you just never know.
You never know, for example, when a species that hasn’t nested in the state in 20 or 30 years will suddenly settle down and raise a family on your sanctuary.
Which is what a pair of Northern Bobwhite did this year at Connecticut Audubon’s Bafflin Preserve in Pomfret.
We just posted a complete account on our website.
Read it to find out why there's more to this story than just a rare nesting occurrence.
125-Bird Challenge
Birders found 3 dozen species at our Pomfret Center over the weekend, 6 dozen at Milford Point 2 dozen at Stratford Point. And that's just a small sampling of our sanctuaries.
They are great places to go for Connecticut Audubon's 125th anniversary 125-Bird Challenge.
The 125-Bird Challenge is just for fun. You should try it.