
Contemporary Art Center News - December 17, 2024

Arts and Entertainment

December 18, 2024

From: Contemporary Art Center

Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry

Thursday, December 19, 2024 ~ 8:00-10:00pm

Every 1st & 3rd Thursday

BUY TICKETS in Advance Online at 309tix: $8-nonmembers, $5-members, $3-poets + fees (until 6pm day of event). 

Tickets at the door: $12-nonmembers, $9-members, $5-poets. Tickets at door are sold only if max capacity is not reached.

Featuring the theme, “Whispers in the Dark”. Poets are asked to perform/share an erotic poem they have created.

Salsa at CAC

Friday, December 20, 2024

Every 3rd Friday

Introductory Dance Lesson: 8:30-9:30 pm

Learn the basics of several Latin Dances by Eduardo & Beverly Caballero

Open Dancing: 9:30-midnight - music by of Eduardo Caballero

ADMISSION AT THE DOOR ONLY: $8.00 nonmembers, $5.00 CAC members

This attached year-end message is NOT for everyone.

It is not for those who have already given enough this year. If you have renewed your membership this year and/or have given all that you desire, we thank you!

This message IS for… a nonmember or a lapsed member or a generous donor who would like to give another gift before the year ends. Click on Link to see message.


Last Week!

Terri Shockency: Double Entendre

November 1 - December 20 ~ Preston Jackson Gallery

Terri Shockency creates paintings that are illustrated puns, and the punchline is the title. In her series, If Animals Were People, she depicts famous people as their anthropomorphic selves, revealing our absurdly happy human relationships. She began the series during the dark days of the pandemic to cheer herself and hopefully others as well.

11th Annual A Small Wonder Gift Shop 

November 1 - December 20 ~ Gallery 3R

A small wonder means small work from local artists and that means work priced for holiday gifts! Gallery 3R is turned into a gift shop for small works of art. Just like a gift shop, buyers may take home the item at the time of purchase. Shop early for the art lover in your life. Glass, ceramics, paintings, sculpture, jewelry, original prints and much more will be on display.

Artists may begin picking up unsold items on Saturday 11-5:00. We will be closed the following week and a half for the holidays. The next opportunity for pick up will be January 2-4, 2025.

Call to Artists

Art Rescues Animals

Deadline for Registration is this Friday, December 20th.

Contemporary Art Center is seeking art to support our furry friends in an exhibition called “Art Rescues Animals” featuring art of and about our love for animals for which we all care. Contemporary Art Center will donate a portion of the sale of each artwork to Peoria Humane Society, dedicated to sheltering, adoption and to the prevention of cruelty to animals. The dates for the exhibit at Contemporary Art Center are January 3 through February 14, 2025. Follow this link for more information, prospectus and registration.

Upcoming Exhibits

Grounded: Eric Cooney and Simon Levin

January 3 – February 14 2025 ~ Gallery 3R

Combined Art Reception - January 18th 6:30-8:30pm

Music provided by Strat & Strand

Earth born color, pliable materials and water attract East Peorian artist Eric Cooney and Pawnee ceramicist Simon Levin to create art. Cooney’s wall reliefs depict sea creatures, inspired by his years living in Florida. Levin’s functional pottery captures the path of flame as it travels on the wind of the kiln.

Art Rescues Animals

January 3 - February 14, 2025 ~ Preston Jackson Gallery - 2nd Floor

Combined Art Reception - January 18th 6:30-8:30pm

Raffel Basket will be offered

Music provided by Strat & Strand

Central Illinois Artists unite to offer art for sale to support our furry friends in a group exhibition of and about our love for animals for which we all care. A portion of the sale of each artwork sold will be donated to Peoria Humane Society, dedicated to sheltering, adoption and to the prevention of cruelty to animals. Besides art sales and a raffle, cat and dog food will be collected in the gallery.

Ken Clubb: Cat Illustrations

January 3 - February 14, 2025 ~ 3rd Floor Classroom

For many years, Peoria freelance commercial artist Ken Clubb created illustrations that were used in Cats Magazine, formerly published by PJS Publications, a subsidiary of the Peoria Journal Star. For the 1st time, these original art illustrations with similar works are displayed for sale to benefit Peoria Humane Society.


Figure Drawing / Open Studio – Tues Afternoons, Jan 21 – Mar 11

2:00-4:00pm (eight 2-hour sessions)

Ages: 18 & up, Minimum Students: 4, Maximum: 12

CAC Member: $75, Non-Member: $90, or drop-in with $15.00 fee per class

Figure Drawing / Open Studio – Tuesdays Evenings, Jan 21 – Mar 11

6:30-8:30pm (eight 2-hour sessions)

Ages: 18 & up, Minimum Students: 4, Maximum: 12

CAC Member: $75, Non-Member: $90, or drop-in with $15.00 fee per class

Watercolor Class – Wednesdays, Jan 22 – Feb 5 - 6:00-8:00pm (three 2-hour sessions)

Instructor: Ken Clubb - CAC Member: $55, Non-Member: $70

Minimum Students: 6, Maximum: 10

Registration Deadline: Jan 15 by midnight

Beginners Salsa (level 1) – Tuesdays, Jan 28 – Feb 25, 6:30-7:25 pm (five 55-minute sessions)

Instructors: Ed & Beverly Caballero, CAC Member: $40, Non-Member: $45

Registration Deadline: Jan 21

Beginners Salsa (level 2) – Tuesdays, Jan 28 – Feb 25, 7:30-8:25 pm (five 55-minute sessions)

Instructors: Ed & Beverly Caballero, CAC Member: $40, Non-Member: $45

Registration Deadline: Jan 21

Tango Practica Peoria – Sunday, 6:30-9:00pm - weekly tango practice and lesson

A weekly tango practica is offered every Sunday, at Contemporary Art Center of Peoria in the 2nd floor art gallery. Traditionally, a Tango Practica is offered for dancers of all levels who have received instruction and have desire to practice.

Admission is $5.00 per person. Please bring cash and exact change. Leaders and teachers volunteer their time. Money collected is a donation to Contemporary Art Center.

Upcoming Events

CAC Closed for the Holidays: December 24th - 30th, 2024

New Year's Eve Salsa at CAC

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Welcome in the New Year with complementary party favors and a champagne toast. Bring in the New Year with us! Dance to music of DJ Ed Caballero

Dance Lesson: 8:30pm, Open Dancing: 9:30-1:00am

$8.00 CAC Members, $12.00 nonmember

Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry

Thursday, January 2, 2025 ~ 8:00-10:00pm

Every 1st & 3rd Thursday

BUY TICKETS in Advance Online at 309tix: $8-nonmembers, $5-members, $3-poets + fees (until 6pm day of event). Tickets at the door: $12-nonmembers, $9-members, $5-poets. Tickets at door are sold only if max capacity is not reached. Featured Poet: Sheri Purpose Hall

1st Friday Studio Tour and Gallery Talk

Friday, January 3, 2025 ~ 5:00-9:00pm ~ free event

Gallery Talk with Ken Clubb - 6:30pm - 3rd Floor Classroom

Gallery Talk with Art Rescues Animals Artists - 7:30pm - 2nd floor Preston Jackson Gallery

Visit the Contemporary Art Center Resident Artist Studios where artists create, display and sell their work. Enjoy the unique & creative talents of local artists. While here, enjoy art exhibits in three galleries. The public is invited to this open house style events.

Live at the Five Spot: Dorann & the Soul Mystics (blues, R&B)

Friday, January 10, 2025 ~ 6:30-8:30pm

Every 2nd & 4th Fridays

BUY TICKETS in Advance Online at 309tix: $8-members, $12-nonmembers + fees

(until 5:00pm the day of event) Tickets at the door*: $12-Members, $16-nonmembers. 

Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry

Thursday, January 16, 2025 ~ 8:00-10:00pm

Every 1st & 3rd Thursday

BUY TICKETS in Advance Online at 309tix: $8-nonmembers, $5-members, $3-poets + fees (until 6pm day of event). Tickets at the door: $12-nonmembers, $9-members, $5-poets. Tickets at door are sold only if max capacity is not reached. Featured Poet: Sheri Purpose Hall

Salsa at CAC

Friday, January 17, 2024

Every 3rd Friday

Introductory Dance Lesson: 8:30-9:30 pm

Learn the basics of several Latin Dances by Eduardo & Beverly Caballero

Open Dancing: 9:30-midnight - music by of Eduardo Caballero

ADMISSION AT THE DOOR ONLY: $8.00 nonmembers, $5.00 CAC members

Combined Art Reception

Saturday, January 18, 2025, 6:30 - 8:30 pm

music provided by Strat & Strand.

free admission / donation requested; complimentary snacks & drinks.

Kitty Yanko, President of Peoria Humane Society will speak at 7:00.

Besides the sale of art, we will raffle an Animal Lovers basket and collect donations of cat and dog food. Meet the exhibiting artists and view their artwork in three galleries and the 3rd floor classroom.

Art Rescues Animals - January 3-February 14, 2025 Preston Jackson Gallery, 2nd Floor-Raffle Basket will be offered

Ground: Eric Cooney and Simon Levin - January 3-February 14, 2025 Gallery 3R, 3rd Floor

Ken Clubb: Cat Illustrations - January 3-February 14, 2025 Classroom, 3rd Floor

Live at the Five Spot: The NikBeats (British Invasion)

Friday, January 24, 2025 ~ 6:30-8:30pm

Every 2nd & 4th Fridays

We are grateful to Preston Jackson for sponsoring this event

BUY TICKETS in Advance Online at 309tix: $8-members, $12-nonmembers + fees

(until 5:00pm the day of event) Tickets at the door*: $12-Members, $16-nonmembers.

Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry

Thursday, February 6, 2025 ~ 8:00-10:00pm

Every 1st & 3rd Thursday

BUY TICKETS in Advance Online at 309tix: $8-nonmembers, $5-members, $3-poets + fees (until 6pm day of event). Tickets at the door: $12-nonmembers, $9-members, $5-poets. Tickets at door are sold only if max capacity is not reached. Featured Poet: The Law of Huey

St. Valentine's Live at the Five Spot featuring Judy Page (soul, jazz)

Friday, February 14, 2025 ~ 6:30-8:30pm

Every 2nd & 4th Fridays

we are grateful to Weston Meuth for sponsoring this event

BUY TICKETS in Advance Online at 309tix: $8-members, $12-nonmembers + fees

(until 5:00pm the day of event) Tickets at the door*: $12-Members, $16-nonmembers.

Whisper & Shout: Open Mic for Poetry

Thursday, February 20, 2025 ~ 8:00-10:00pm

Every 1st & 3rd Thursday

BUY TICKETS in Advance Online at 309tix: $8-nonmembers, $5-members, $3-poets + fees (until 6pm day of event). Tickets at the door: $12-nonmembers, $9-members, $5-poets. Tickets at door are sold only if max capacity is not reached. Featured Poet: The Law of Huey

Live at the Five Spot: State of Mind (R&B, Motown)

Friday, February 28, 2025 ~ 6:30-8:30pm

Every 2nd & 4th Fridays

We are grateful to Kim & Dwight Roberts for sponsoring this event

BUY TICKETS in Advance Online at 309tix: $8-members, $12-nonmembers + fees

(until 5:00pm the day of event) Tickets at the door*: $12-Members, $16-nonmembers. 

Sponsor a Band

Please consider sponsoring your favorite band. It is possible that a band may not be booked unless they are sponsored. Listed below are bands that need your full or partial sponsorship to make the event successful.

Contact William Butler, Executive Director, at 309-674-6822 to discuss sponsorship.

Dorann & the Soul Mystics-Local, The NikBeats-Local, State of Mind-Chicago.