
David Mccormick Featured In His Hometown Paper, CT Insider

Government and Politics

August 7, 2024

PENNSYLVANIA — Connecticut hedge fund CEO and mega-millionaire David McCormick’s campaign made the pages of his hometown paper this week, the CT Insider, in a story highlighting his Connecticut residency. 

CT Insider: They’re running for the U.S. Senate in other states. Attack ads feature their CT waterfront homes

  • For a pair of Republicans hoping to make it to the U.S. Senate, longstanding ties to Connecticut’s Gold Coast and one of the state’s most prominent hedge funds have complicated their image as home-grown candidates.

  • Both David McCormick, who is running in Pennsylvania, and Nella Domenici, running in New Mexico, have faced allegations of carpetbagging for having apparently lived in Connecticut until just a few years ago. Attack ads being aired in both states depict their spacious, waterfront homes — each valued in the millions of dollars. 

  • The issue being raised is that these people don’t understand the voters of Pennsylvania or New Mexico because of their income status and their wealth status,” said Ronald Schurin, a professor of political science at the University of Connecticut. “The fact these extravagant homes happen to be in Connecticut is more icing on the cake.” 

  • This is not the first time that McCormick has faced scrutiny about his residency. 

  • While running for a different U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania in 2022, McCormick faced attacks from both Democrats and Republicans for his life in Connecticut and leadership at Bridgewater, one of the world’s largest hedge funds.[…]

  • McCormick remained in the area even after losing that race, according to the Associated Press, living in a rented, $16 million Westport home […]

  • McCormick continued to make federal campaign contributions to other Republican candidates from a post office box in Southport until last year — several months after losing his first race in Pennsylvania. According to the Secretary of the State’s Office, McCormick is still registered to vote in Westport […]