
Emily Williston Memorial Library: Let Your Voice Be Heard - January 17, 2023

Schools and Libraries

January 17, 2023

From: Emily Williston Memorial Library

Let Your Voice Be Heard
January  17, 2023

From the Director:

Dear Library Friends and Followers,

Lots of exciting goings on here! As you may have heard, we have an exciting new real estate opportunity (a building! donated!) and some serious funding asks. We deeply appreciate all who have reached out with offers of help and support, and with thoughtful questions about our budget and building goals. If you're able and interested, please join us at this Wednesday's City Council meeting, 1/18 at 6pm, where library funding will be discussed as part of the Finance Committee's report and Library leadership and supporters will share some thoughts in the Public Speak time.

If you are inclined to speak at that time, a brief statement with a clear impact and ask will have the most effect, such as:

'I, [name, address], value the Library because, would like to see the Library [have a new building, provide xxx services], and am in strong support of the City increasing funding to the Library.'

If you're not inclined to speak, that's fine, we'll be asking Library supporters to raise a hand to show that that's why you've come, or perhaps you would just like to learn more!

You put the 'Public' in Public Library, and we're nothing without each and every resident and Library user in this City. Please let the Mayor and the Council know how much you value your Library, by showing up, (briefly) speaking up, or sharing your thoughts in writing with your elected officials, and let us know how we can best continue to serve your needs.

I'm attaching links to the video of last week's Finance Committee session, and to the two articles written about this moment in our journey. Please feel free to contact me or the Library Board of Directors with any questions, concerns, or ideas.

Thank you!

Katya, the EWML staff, and the Board and Corporators of the Public Library Association of Easthampton

