Arts and Entertainment
May 23, 2024
From: Firecracker Festival35th Firecracker Festival
Friday Night on the Stage: SuperJam
Saturday Night on the Stage: Rodney Atkins with opening act, Borderline.
Carnival Rides:
$1.25 per ticket or 22 tickets for $20.00 (2-3 tickets needed per ride) NO ARMBANDS (Ticket prices have not changed in more than 10 years!)
Fishing Derbies:
Kids' Fishing Derby Application - This year you can click on the application, complete it, and return it to the address listed or email it to [email protected] or you can sign up online. After following the link, click on events, then Firecracker Festival, and finally, Fishing Derbies. You will have to have an account and every child you are registering must be on your account. You will go through an entire checkout process, but this is a FREE event and you will see that the amount due remains at 0. Here's the link:
The Kids' Hooked on Fishing Derby is at Al Brown Lake in Crites Park on Saturday, June 29 from 8am-10am. Attendance prizes will be awarded.
Senior's Fishing Derby Application - This year you can click on the application, complete it, and return it to the address listed or email it to [email protected] or you can sign up online. After following the link, click on events, then Firecracker Festival, and finally, Fishing Derbies. You will have to have an account and every child you are registering must be on your account. You will go through an entire checkout process, but this is a FREE event and you will see that the amount due remains at 0. Here's the link:
The Seniors' Fishing Derby is at Al Brown Lake in Crites Park on Saturday, June 29 from 10am-12pm. Attendance prizes will be awarded.
Car Show:
The Festus R-6 Foundation will be hosting its car show on the complex parking lot by the ball fields on Saturday! Check out their Facebook page! You can also contact Kevin Pope at 636-638-2004 or [email protected] for more information.
Friday - SuperJam will be on the Main Stage from 7-10p!
Saturday - Borderline opens at 6p and Rodney Atkins takes the stage at 8:30!
Saturday at 10pm
Date: June 28 and 29, 2024
Click Here For More Information