Government and Politics
March 20, 2025
From: Colorado Governor Jared PolisDENVER - On March 20, 2025, Governor Polis signed the following bills into law during a ceremony in the Governor’s Office.
HB25-1053 - Landowner Immunity for Emergency Access to Property, sponsored by Representatives Tisha Mauro and Ron Weinberg, and Senators Janice Marchman and Mark Baisley. This bill is bipartisan.
“Our brave firefighters and emergency responders put their lives on the line every day responding to emergencies and disasters, and this new bi-partisan law removes barriers to ensure that in times of crisis, our brave first responders can get where they are needed quickly and safely, whether it is in response to a wildfire, a rescue call, or a hazardous materials incident. In Colorado, we know the risk of wildfires is not going away and this is an important step in ensuring our responders can work quickly and efficiently to respond to emergencies and keep us all safe,” said Governor Polis.
HB25-1002 - Medical Necessity Determination Insurance Coverage, sponsored by Representatives Kyle Brown and Lindsay Gilchrist, and Senators Judy Amabile and Byron Pelton. This bill is bipartisan.
“More transparency into how health insurers decide what services are covered and why helps providers and patients. This new law reduces uncertainty and increases transparency in mental health coverage to ensure Coloradans get the care they need,” said Governor Polis.
Governor Polis also signed the following bills into law administratively.