
Grandin Court Baptist Church E-Newsletter - September 16, 2022

Religion and Spirituality

September 19, 2022

From: Grandin Court Baptist Church


Sunday, September 18, 2022 
10:00am - In-Person and Online Worship
11:00am - Children's Sunday School
11:00am - Youth Sunday School
11:00am - Open to All Adult Class (Hamner Hall)
Discussion of The Wired Word
11:00am - Sophia Sunday School Class (Sophia Classroom)
11:00am - Seekers Sunday School Class (MAC Multi-Purpose Room)
4:00pm- Youth Activities
4:00pm- Kids Time
4:45pm- Children's Choir
5:00pm- Handbells
6:30pm- Praise Team

Monday, September 19, 2022 
7:00am- Prayer Meeting scheduled (Sunshine Room)
9:00an Preschool use of MAC -Gym
6:00pm- New Hope Basketball
7:00pm- Roanoke Rockets Basketball
7:00pm-Finance/ Deacon's Committee Meeting

Tuesday, September 20, 2022 
9:00am- Preschool use off MAC Gym
10:00am - Staff Meeting (Sunshine Room)
5:00pm- SOS Elite Basketball ( MAC gym floor)
6:30pm- Tuesday Night Hoops( MAC gym floor)
8:00pm- Harris Elite Basketball (MAC gym floor)

Wednesday, September 21, 2022
9:00am- Preschool use of MAC Gym
1:00pm- Preschool Soccer Shots
5:30pm- Fellowship Dinner
6:15pm- Adult Bible Study
6:15- Children and Youth Activities
7:00pm-  Choir Rehearsal
7:00pm- Harmon Basketball (MAC gym floor)

Thursday, September 22, 2022
9:00am-  Preschool us of MAC Gym
10:00am- TMMC Board Meeting (Sunshine Room)
5:00pm- SOS Elite Basketball
6pm- Roanoke Rockets Basketball
6:30pm- Dawnings
7:00pm- Open Gym (MAC)

Friday, September 23, 2022 
9:00am- Preschool use of MAC Gym
9:30am- TMMC (Choir Room)

Saturday September 24, 2022
3:00pm- UU Youth Event (Hamner Hall)

During months with a fifth Sunday (starting October 30th) we will have a combined Sunday School gathering in the MAC during the 11 o'clock hour. All classes and ages are invited to attend. These "lightly organized" gatherings will serve as a fellowship time for our GCBC folks to get to know each other better.

- A six week short course will be offered during the Sunday School hour beginning September 18th. The topic will be Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, with the discussion to be led by Chris White. Youth and adults are all welcome to attend (especially teachers who need a break!!). The meeting room will be announced by the first Sunday of September.

During GCBC children and youth activities on Sunday afternoons a small group time for parents will be held. Details are still being worked out, but all parents of children and youth are welcome to participate.

Help Needed At Rescue Mission

We need volunteers to help out at the Rescue Mission on the third Thursday of each month, from 4:15pm-6:00pm. 
If you can help, please contact Josh Owen at 434-315-4078 or [email protected].

The nursery can't open, just yet! This is a great opportunity to be involved in our youngest ones' lives and help their faith grow and flourish by creating a welcoming environment for them.
We have an amazing increase in children needing the nursery. I ask for your help in solving this problem and also in other areas of our ministry.
Our church nursery can't open this Sunday because we need volunteers! Sign up for any Sunday for either worship service and/or Sunday school time. No monthly commitment, just serve when you can. There is a TV setup to be able to watch worship services. The nursery has been redone to best suit our children and ready to be played in.
Additional help is needed too for paid positions for Childcare Workers on Sunday and Wednesday evenings, $13/hr rate.
Sunday school is also in need of teachers!
Please click the link below to sign up for the nursery and contact me for information about our paid positions or about Sunday school. Thank you!

Submitted by Becky Owen
Children's Activities Coordinator
office # 540-774-1684 ext. 115
cell # 434-665-0114

Covid Advisory Council Fall Update

GCBC is excited to begin offering the mid-week Fellowship Meal and Pastor's Study once again, beginning Wednesday, September 7. As Covid-19 continues to be present, we continue to encourage you to stay aware of new CDC guidelines so that you can make an informed decision regarding your participation that best meets your family's needs and level of comfort. The following link gives information concerning exposures and suggested practices going forward: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2022/p0811-covid-guidance.html

We will continue to send out a weekly update each Thursday for your convenience. Based on community transmissibility levels according to the CDC online tracking map, you are encouraged to consider wearing a mask when the community level is high (red). 

Watch for weekly updates on our GCBC Facebook page, Instagram, website and in our newsletter. A link to the tracking map will be included for your convenience.

We accept contributions online via PayPal or credit cards. To contribute online, go to www.grandincourtbaptist.org and click on “Giving.”   You may also send your donation to the church.  
Financial Report As Of
August 2022

Budget Needs to Date 

YTD Budget Revenue
YTD Budget Expenses


In Memory of  Joyce Griffin
In Memory of Fran Krause
In Memory of Erma Himes 
In Memory of Joyce Tice
by Marshall & Thelma Helm

In Memory of Erma Himes
Joe & Marcia Himes
Janis & David Snyder & Jamie & Larry Ward

In Memory of Joyce Tice
by Sam Griffin