
Grandin Court Baptist Church Newsletter - April 21, 2023

Arts and Entertainment

April 22, 2023

From: Grandin Court Baptist Church

Sunday – April 23

10:00am – Worship Service (Sanctuary & Online)

11:00am – Children’s Sunday School (Upstairs Children’s Wing)

11:00am – Youth Sunday School (Downstairs Youth Room)

11:00am – OTA Class (Hamner Hall)

11:00am – Seekers Class (MAC Multi-Purpose Room)

11:00am – Sophia Class (Sophia Room 138)

2:00pm – Piano Recital (Sanctuary)

4:00pm – Youth Activities (MAC Gym)

4:00pm – GCBC Kid’s Time (Children’s Classroom 227)

4:45pm – Children’s Choir (Children’s Classroom 227)

5:30pm – Praise Team

Monday – April 24

7:00am – Prayer Meeting (Sunshine Room 136)

9:00am – Weekday Preschool (MAC Gym)

9:00am – Piano Tuning (Sanctuary)

12:00pm – Preschool Staff Meeting – No Lunch Bunch

3:00pm – Piano Recital (Sanctuary)

5:00pm – New Hope Basketball (MAC Gym)

7:00pm – Roanoke Rockets Basketball (MAC Gym)

7:00pm – Building & Grounds Committee (Sunshine Room 136)

Tuesday – April 25

9:00am – Weekday Preschool (MAC Gym)

10:00am – Staff Meeting (Sunshine Room 136)

3:00pm – Piano Recital (Sanctuary)

5:00pm – SOS Elite Basketball (MAC Gym)

6:30pm – Tuesday Night Hoops (MAC Gym)

7:00pm – Outreach Meeting (Sunshine Room 136)

8:00pm – Roanoke Rockets Basketball (MAC Gym)

Wednesday – April 26

9:00am – Weekday Preschool

3:00pm – Piano Recital (Sanctuary)

3:00pm – Scrabble Club w/Carla Selvey (MAC Lobby)

5:30pm – Fellowship Dinner (MAC Gym)

6:30pm – Business Meeting

7:00pm – Harmon Basketball (MAC Gym)

7:30pm – Choir Rehearsal

Thursday – April 27

9:00am – Weekday Preschool (MAC Gym)

1:00pm – OWLS Out to Lunch

2:00pm – Piano Recital (Sanctuary)

5:00pm – SOS Elite Basketball (MAC Gym)

7:00pm – Open Gym (MAC Gym)

Friday – April 28

9:00am – Weekday Preschool (MAC Gym)

9:30am – TMMC (Choir Room)

6:00pm – Preas Wedding Rehearsal

Saturday – April 29 – Eagle Eyrie Workday

1:00pm – Preschool Interviews

3:00pm – Preas Wedding


Worship begins at 10:00am

If you are worshipping from home we are LIVE on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and our YouTube page:


Sunday School begins at 11:00am

OTA Class - Hamner Hall

Seekers Class - MAC Multi-Purpose Room

Sophia Class - Sophia Room 138

Youth - Downstairs Youth Room

Children - Upstairs Children's Wing

During months with a 5th Sunday (January, April, July, October, December) we will have a combined Sunday school gathering during the 11 o'clock hour in the MAC to serve as fellowship time for our congregation.

All classes and ages are invited to attend.

Wednesday, April 26th at 5:30pm


Menu: Steak & Chicken, Rice & Beans, Corn tortillas, Pico de gallo, Guacamole, Cheese, Salad, and Dessert

Searching for Volunteers

There are opportunities to be involved and serve our church.

Our youngest ones need you to help their faith grow and flourish by creating a welcoming environment for them in our church nursery. Volunteers are needed for both the 10am worship service and the 11am Sunday school hour. There is a TV setup to be able to tune into worship services while holding babies or playing with little ones.

Please contact Becky Owen, Children's Activities Coordinator if you can help.

Office # 540-774-1684 ext. 115 or [email protected] 

Our MAC needs some additional help as well. Do you have a couple of hours in the evening that you can be present in the MAC Lobby to welcome those using our facility? You can work on a puzzle or read during your shift, we just need you to be there.

Please contact Donita Smith, Ministry Activities Center Coordinator if you can help.

Office # 540-774-1684 ext. 120 or [email protected]