
Historic Albany Foundation Weekly Newsletter - May 5, 2023

Arts and Entertainment

May 9, 2023

From: Historic Albany Foundation

Preservation Merit Awards Nominations are


We're kicking off National Preservation Month and are asking you to share your labor of love with us and let us celebrate your efforts! Nominate your own restoration project, your neighbors, your friends... or a complete stranger's house that you've admired their work on.

All the details can be found here
Application form

What Are the PMAs?
The PMAs (Preservation Merit Awards) are our annual celebration of restoration and preservation work in the City of Albany. It might be a home, local business, or organization. It might be a full restoration of a building, the stewardship of a landscape, or reusing salvaged architectural parts from our Warehouse.

All winners get recognition at our awards ceremony AND get those funky plaques you may have seen all around. It is held in September with projects nominated in May. You can nominate yourself, a neighbor, a community organization, or a local business!

This is our chance to celebrate preservation best practices in the city.  Take a look around - have you seen a neighbor working tirelessly on their restoration? Is there a business you love that is homed in an old building? Have you been working on your home? Applications are free and don't take long, call us if you want more info! Call Kim on 518 465 0876 ext 110.

Deadline- end of May 

Restoration Faire 2023 

Join us on Sat May 20th

A special, one-day event packed full of expert presenters who all want to help you buy and restore historic houses in Albany and beyond!

Chat with the tablers to get advice on your homeowning/restoration journey and see in-person demonstrations on everything from glazing to painting and plastering! We will also have a 45-minute panel with homeowners and contractors who have completed/are in the process of their own building restorations - so come prepared with any questions!

The event will be held at the back of the City's building at 200 Henry Johnson Boulevard - there will be on-street parking. Please RSVP virtually

We will also have free ice cream donated by Stewarts and a BBQ by the Albany Police Department

A big thank you to our sponsors: Albany Artisans

Click here to read more informaton about the Historic Albany Foundation Weekly Newsletter - May 5, 2023