
ICYMI: New Ethics Complaint Filed Against Ryan Zinke

Government and Politics

October 7, 2024

Helena, MT – The political watchdog group End Citizens United filed an ethics complaint against Congressman Ryan Zinke claiming his campaign accepted almost $8,000 in illegal contributions from Zinke’s Chief of Staff.

NBC Montana broke the story and released a copy of the complaint filed with the Office of Congressional Ethics. The complaint outlines Zinke’s Chief of Staff paid numerous expenses out of pocket that were later reimbursed by Zinke’s Congressional campaign.

Federal law prohibits staff from making any payments or campaign contributions to their employing member, even if reimbursed.

“For those of you keeping score at home, this was the third complaint filed against Congressman Ryan Zinke in the span of a week,” said MontanaDemocratic Party Executive Director Sheila Hogan. “Needless to say, hardworking Montanans deserve someone in Congress who will be fighting for them every day– not someone who’s constantly wrapped up in ethics scandals and believes they’re above the law.”

Watch the full NBC Montana story HERE