
ICYMI: Republicans like Duey Stroebel and Joan Ballweg Are Holding Back Wisconsin’s Kids

Government and Politics

October 23, 2024

MADISON, Wis. — After months of faux outrage from Wisconsin Republicans like Duey Stroebel about improving kids’ reading ability, a new report from the Department of Public Instruction last week found that the blame for students’ stagnant scores lies solely with Republicans on the Joint Finance Committee—Republicans like Duey Stroebel himself. Because Republicans on the JFC have refused to release $50 million in already-approved literacy funding for our public schools, DPI has been unable to implement the new program—and Wisconsin’s kids are paying the price.

But while Republicans on the Joint Finance Committee like Duey Stroebel, Joan Ballweg, Jessie Rodriguez, and Shannon Zimmerman sit on their hands, Democrats on the Joint Finance Committee called on their Republican colleagues yesterday to release this critical funding so it can immediately be put to work helping our kids. 

The games played by JFC Republicans have forced Wisconsin school districts to take out tens of thousands of dollars in loans in order to adopt the new reading curriculum approved under the state’s new reading law, but these games are nothing new. Republicans including Duey Stroebel, Joan Ballweg, Jessie Rodgriguez and Shannon Zimmerman have held up funding for clean water, child care, and now even children’s literacy for months on end—proving they would rather play politics than ensure better outcomes for Wisconsin’s kids.