
Johnson County Museum Launches Digital Version of Award-Winning 'Redlined' Exhibit

Arts and Entertainment

May 25, 2024

From: Johnson County Museum

Overland Park, KS - The Johnson County Museum proudly announces the launch of its newest digital exhibition, “REDLINED: Cities, Suburbs, and Segregation.” Set to debut at the Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center's Juneteenth celebration on June 8, this innovative online exhibition delves into the complex history of redlining and its profound impact on Johnson County and the broader region.

Originally a physical special exhibit at the Johnson County Museum, “REDLINED” offers visitors a comprehensive journey through the origins, evolution, and enduring consequences of redlining. Utilizing content and images from the original exhibit, the digital version offers an engaging and accessible platform to delve into this important topic. Visitors will gain insight into the expansion of redlining during postwar suburbanization, the challenges during the Civil Rights Era, and the ongoing legacies that reverberate across the nation today.

“The history of redlining is inextricably intertwined with the history of Johnson County and suburban development across the U.S. Knowing this history helps us better understand the present and better consider the future,” said Johnson County Museum Curator of Interpretation Andrew R. Gustafson. “We are grateful to our community who demanded that the “REDLINED” exhibit continue on, and to those who generously gave to support the transformation of the physical exhibit into a digital one."

The digital “REDLINED: Cities, Suburbs, and Segregation” exhibit was made possible with support from presenting sponsor the Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors; and support from Humanities Kansas; the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation; the Parks and Recreation Foundation of Johnson County; Resurrection, A United Methodist Church; Village Church, Presbyterian (USA); and the generosity of many individual donors. 

“The “REDLINED” digital exhibit allows us to share the award-winning work of the Johnson County Museum with the world,” said Johnson County Museum Director Dr. Mary McMurray. “It also provides a platform from which we can continue this important research, convene community conversations on the history and lasting legacies of redlining, and do what we always do at the Johnson County Museum – learn from the past so we can build a better future.”

The launch of the “REDLINED” digital exhibit will take place at the Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center's Juneteenth celebration, on June 8 from 10 am – 1 pm. Two demo presentations will take place, where visitors will learn about the process of creating the digital exhibit and how to navigate it. The Johnson County Museum invites visitors of all backgrounds to engage with this compelling exhibition and join in the exploration of our shared history.

The “REDLINED: Cities, Suburbs, and Segregation” digital exhibit will be available for public viewing starting June 8, by visiting jcprd.com/REDLINED.