
Latest Jobs Numbers Show President Biden Once Again Delivering for Working South Carolinians

Government and Politics

June 10, 2024

South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Christale Spain released the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the economy added over 272,000 new jobs in May:

“Under President Biden, take-home pay for workers has risen, good-paying jobs in new industries are expanding, and unemployment remains at record lows. The Biden economic boom is real. With so much progress on the line, South Carolinians know they cannot afford to go back to Donald Trump’s disastrous economic policies. Trump is only loyal to the ultra-rich and giant corporations — not working South Carolinians — and will raise costs on South Carolina families while giving handouts to his wealthy campaign donors if elected. This November, South Carolinians will reject Trump’s toxic agenda and unite behind the candidates with a record of fighting for them: President Biden and Vice President Harris.” 

Unlike Trump’s failed policies, President Biden’s economic plan is delivering in South Carolina:

  • Donald Trump’s economic plans would “supercharge inflation” and raise costs for Americans.
  • When Donald Trump was in office, he sided with his wealthy donors over the American people, giving billionaires and corporations egregious tax handouts. If elected, he’ll do it again.
  • Trump wants to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act and make it easier for the uber-wealthy to cheat on their taxes. President Biden’s agenda is centered on lowering costs for middle-class families while making sure billionaires and corporations pay their fair share.
  • President Biden’s policies have helped create 15.2 million jobs, including 236 Thousand in South Carolina alone. 
  • Under President Biden, the national unemployment rate has been 4 percent or less for the longest stretch in 50 years in part due to his administration’s historic investmentsTrump’s tax scam incentivized companies to ship American jobs overseas.
  • The Biden administration has directed $537.3 billion in public infrastructure, semiconductor and clean energy investments in the U.S.