
Legislative Lowlights: NVGOP Legislators and Candidates Say the Quiet Parts Out Loud

Government and Politics

October 4, 2024

With Election Day a little over a month away, here’s a reminder that GOP legislative candidates have doubled down on extremism and are out of touch with Nevada voters. Newly unearthed audio has surfaced of NVGOP Assembly Minority Leader PK O’Neill saying Joe Lombardo vetoed “DEI – diversity, equity, inclusion, which I really think should be spelled D-I-E,” in an attempt to defend Lombardo’s vetoes and mock Nevada’s diversity. Lombardo-endorsed State Senator Carrie Buck, who is running against a Jewish Democratic opponent, said on X “How do any Jewish Americans continue to support the Democrat party?” playing into the dangerous antisemitic trope that Jewish Americans have dual loyalties to the US and to Israel. 

Assembly Deputy Minority Whip Danielle Gallant was captured blatantly admitting that Lombardo’s endorsed slate of legislative candidates is lying to voters by exposing that while they love “[those] MAGA-MAGA Republican(s)” they “need candidates that present moderate” to be elected. 

In an interview Republican Assembly candidate Lisa Cole was caught saying that being elected would be “an amazing opportunity to fix problems” for her wealthy corporate clients and “roll back some of the red tape” for them, admitting that her agenda as a state legislator would prioritize her clients’ special interests over the needs of hardworking Nevadans. 

“If you want to know the truth about where Republicans stand–just listen to what they have to say behind closed doors,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Claudia Alvarado. “From Cole admitting she is running for office to serve her wealthy corporate clients instead of Nevadans and Gallant saying that Lombardo is funding a slate of MAGA extremists pretending to be moderate to get elected to Carrie Buck is doubling down on her antisemitic comments and O’Neill GOP candidates for the state legislature are too extreme for Nevada and out of touch with everyday families.”