
Maine Women's Lobby Legislative Round-Up News : April 10, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

April 13, 2023

From: Maine Women's Policy Center

Big national forces are affecting the Maine gender equity landscape right now.  

Medication abortion is the most common way to access abortion, and involves two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol. On Friday, two conflicting federal court rulings came out: one requiring that the FDA suspend it's approval of mifepristone, and the other requiring that it maintain it's current position. Here's an excellent explainer from KFF, and Governor Mills' strong support of abortion access

Here's what you need to know: Abortion is still available in Maine (surgical and medication). We will continue to work with our partners to protect and expand abortion access - and the Governor's Bill to update the Reproductive Privacy Act should be printed this week. Several bills will be heard within the next month, and we'll update you here.  

Title IX protects students from gender-based discrimination in education. Thursday, the Biden Administration released a memo stating that states cannot issue blanket bans on trans students participating in sports aligned with their gender identity... but some limits might be possible (for safety or fairness in competition). This short overview is excellent.

Here's what you need to know: At least one bill seeks to create such a ban in Maine this year - these rules might **** the wind out of that effort. The federal rule-making process on this issue will take months, if not a year, so you will hear more! If you don't remember where we stand on this issue, here's a refresher! 

In great news, Committees passed LD 566 (sexual assault advocate's pay - unanimously!) and LD 794 (expanding and funding the Commission on the Status of Women) last week, and those are headed the te full legislature!  

The House and Senate are in session Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. They meet more often as work speeds up, and the deadline for ending the session speeds closer.  

In solidarity,

Destie, Dania, Catie, and Brook

Weekly Calendar 

The weekly House Calendar is here. The weekly Senate Calendar is here 

April 10

1:00 - LD 208 - PH - An Act Concerning Home Care Services (Craven) 

April 11

1:00 - LD 999 - PH - An Act to Support Family Caregivers by Expanding Family Medical Leave (Murphy)

1:00 - PH on two related bills, LD 1435, An Act to Reduce Commercial Sexual Exploitation and LD 1436, An Act to Provide Remedies for Survivors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation (Reckitt). 

April 12

1:00 - LD 1040 - PH - An Act to Require Reimbursement for Gender-affirming Care for MaineCare Members (Moonen) 

April 13

1:00 - LD 684 - PH - An Act to Implement Pilot Programs with Publicly Funded Day Care and Early Childhood Education (Geiger) 

1:00 - LD 942 - WS - An Act to Ensure the Collection of Complete Information by Adding a 3rd Option for Gender on State Forms (Sheehan)  

2:00 - LD 346 - WS - An Act to Clarify the Requirements for Family Caregivers (Fay)  

**Not sure about the difference between a PH (public hearing) and a WS (work session)? Check out our How-To here!

Paid Leave Action Hour - Enhancing Advocacy Skills

April 11, 12:00 - 1:00 

The repro and birthing team of the Maine Paid Leave Coalition are joining forces for this panel and action hour connecting PFML to reproductive justice. This is a great skills-builder and chance to take action! More info here. 

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