
Maine Women's Lobby Legislative Round-Up News: March 27, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

March 28, 2023

From: Maine Women's Policy Center

Dearfriend , 

After a slow start to the session, so many of our priority bills are dropping! Last week we testified on salary transparency and income taxes (did you know the income tax is one of the fairest ways to raise money, and an essential tool in closing the race and gender wealth gap? Find our TikTok explainer here, and a longer discussion here). 

This week, we're supporting increased salaries for sexual assault advocates (the average on-call crisis advocate makes just $33,000 per year....!), and expansion and staffing for the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women. Both of these are critical gender equity issues: one ensures that a woman-dominated essential work force is fairly compensated; the other improves our statewide systems to address exactly this kind of issue. We're also supporting increased healthcare access with All Means All, and several other bills - follow us in our testimony tracker and in our social media feeds. 

Last week we were so thrilled to return to our first in-person Girls' Day at the State House since 2019! 85 young people and mentors from across the state joined us in mock hearings, a floor vote, and connecting with leaders from across the state. This year we are also hosting a high school program, so if you missed this Girls' Day, it's not too late! Learn more about the Youth Policy Leadership Forum here, and sponsor this powerful work here. 

In solidarity,

Destie, Dania, Catie, and Brook 

PS: Save the date for our End of Session Celebration at Broadturn Farm in Scarborough, July 20! If you love to plan a party and want to join our Festivities Committee, email Dania

Weekly Calendar

The weekly House Calendar is here. The weekly Senate Calendar is here

March 27

1:00 - LD 566 - PH - An Act to Provide Funding for Sexual Assault Services - Duson

1:00 - LD 816 - PH - An Act to Provide Integrated Behavioral Health Services to Sexual Violence Survivors - Stover 

March 28

1:00 - LD 93 - PH - An Act to Ensure Access for All Caregivers to Diaper Changing Stations in Public Restrooms - Collamore

2:00 - LD 199 - PH - An Act to Improve the Health of Maine Residents by Removing Exclusions to the MaineCare Program - Talbot Ross

March 29

9:00 -  LD 564 - WS - An Act to Improve Access to Civil Legal Services - Carney

10:00 - LD 351 - WS - An Act to Increase Access to Birth Control by Making Certain Contraception Available over the Counter (Brakey)

10:00 LD 573 - WS - An Act Regarding Child Care Subsidy Payments and Eligibility - Craven

1:00 - LD 346 - PH - An Act to Clarify the Requirements for Family Caregivers (Fay)

March 30

1:00 - LD 999 - PH - An Act to Support Family Caregivers by Expanding Family Medical Leave (Murphy)

1:00 - LD 300 - WS An Act to Establish Pilot Initiatives to Promote, Grow and Sustain Adult Day Care and Respite Programs in Maine (Craven) 

March 31

9:00 - LD 794 - PH - An Act to Expand the Membership of the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women - Vitelli

**Not sure about the difference between a PH (public hearing) and a WS (work session)? Check out our How-To here!

Creative Activism: Paint Banners with Artist Rapid Response Team! 

April 2

ARRT will be dreaming up and painting banners to support the Maine Equal Rights Amendment and other social justice causes. Email [email protected] for more info and details.

People Power Hours - April Session

April 5, 3:30p OR 6:00p / Zoom

This monthly session offers community, connection, and skills building. In April, participants will learn how to write their story and submit a letter to the editor. 

Register here. 

Let's Visit the State House! 

Join us for a casual, no-pressure chance to open up the State House doors and learn the ropes of getting in, out, and around the State House. 

April 24, 5-6pm - VIRTUAL

April 25, 8:30-10am - In Person

April 25, 3:30-5pm - In Person

Registration here. 

Citizen Advocacy Toolkit

2023 Justice for Women Lecture

April 26 / 7:00pm

The Justice For Women Lecture brings a distinguished speaker to Maine annually to contribute to a global conversation about justice for women and girls in the developing world. More info here.

Maine Feminist Events Calendar

MWL Bill Tracker

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Testimony Archive

Citizen Advocacy Toolkit

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Gender-just legislative advocacy, and tools like this weekly round-up, can only happen with your support. Join our efforts today with a gift of your time or resources.

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