
Montana Ranked Third Most Patriotic State in Nation

Government and Politics

July 3, 2024

From: Montana Governor Greg Gianforte

Governor Gianforte celebrates ranking ahead of Independence Day

HELENA, MT - Ahead of Independence Day, Governor Greg Gianforte today celebrated a recent study that ranked Montana the third most patriotic state in the United States.

“God bless America, and Montana,” Gov. Gianforte said. “This study confirms what I’ve known for a long time: Montana is home to some of the most freedom-loving and patriotic people in the country. From our support for our veterans to our strong defense of our way of life, Montanans share a fundamental appreciation for what makes America, America. As we head into the holiday weekend, take a moment to reflect on our nation’s founding principles and say thank you to our veterans and members of our armed forces for protecting us at home and abroad. Susan and I wish all Montanans a happy and safe Fourth of July.”

According to a recent study published by WalletHub, Montana ranks the third most patriotic state because of its high civic engagement in elections, its volunteer rate, and the number of veterans who live in the state. WalletHub reported that Montana has 104 veterans for every 1,000 civilians, giving the state the distinction of having the fourth-highest number of veterans in the country.

Montana is proudly home to one of the highest populations of veterans per capita in the country and the governor is committed to tearing down barriers for veterans as they transition to civilian life. 

After serving our country in uniform, many Montana veterans operate small businesses, farms, and ranches across the state, creating good-paying jobs, strengthening our economy, and expanding opportunities for Montanans.

Since taking office, Gov. Gianforte has prioritized and supported Montana’s veterans. Working with the Legislature, the governor exempted up to 50 percent of military retirement pay from the state income tax and established educator licensing reciprocity for military members, military spouses, and veterans.

Additionally, each year the governor awards the Montana Governor’s Veteran Commendation to outstanding Montana veterans who have selflessly served our country in uniform and made a positive impact in their community. 31 veterans received the award in 2021 and 51 veterans received the award in 2022.

39 recipients of the 2023 Montana Governor’s Veteran Commendation will be honored this year with an award ceremony.

More information about the Montana Governor’s Veteran Commendation may be found at recognizeveterans.mt.gov.

To read WalletHub’s “Most Patriotic States in America” report, visit here.