
Newton County Receives Financial Reporting Award

Government and Politics

January 4, 2023

From: Newton County Government

Newton County received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA).

The award was given to Newton County for its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for fiscal year 2021. Newton County has received the award every year since 2018.

“This speaks volumes about Newton County’s financial reporting and our terrific staff,” Newton County Chairman Marcello Banes said. “Our Annual Comprehensive Financial Report not only shows the residents of Newton County what we are doing with their tax dollars but does it in a way that is recognized nationally.

“We strive to provide transparency in all that we do and this ties directly into our strategic plan of cultivating a culture of trust with our residents.”

An impartial panel judged the comprehensive financial report to meet the high standards of the GFOA, representing a significant accomplishment by Newton County government and its management.

“Congratulations to Finance Director Brittany White and her staff,” Interim County Manager Jarvis Sims said. “This speaks volumes about our great Finance Department. We are committed to achieving high standards for our residents and this recognition further acknowledges our dedication to fiduciary responsibility.”

You can see the Annual comprehensive financial report on Newton County’s website here: https://www.co.newton.ga.us/DocumentCenter/View/4430/2021-Annual-Comprehensive-Financial-Report?bidId=