
Poison Apple Productions Actor Of The Week - May 7, 2024

Arts and Entertainment

May 17, 2024

From: Poison Apple Productions


Introduce yourself, and tell us how old you are!

Anna Sofia Jacobsen, 13 years old

Why do you love theatre?

I love theatre because you get the chance to be anything you want to be. You can dress up and be a different person in a completely new world. In theatre, you also get the chance to meet unique new people that you may not have been friends with under different circumstances.

How long have I been at Poison Apple?

I have been at Poison Apple for about one and a half years.

What has been your favorite show that you've performed in?

My favorite show that I have performed in is my most recent show, Seussical Jr. This was my first Players show and it was an awesome experience!

Favorite Role?

My favorite role was Roger in 101 Dalmatians because I really enjoyed playing the role.

What’s something you’ve learned from participating in theatre?

Collaboration. While creating a show, actors, directors, choreographers, and tech crew all have to work together to create an amazing show. In doing theatre, I have learned how to collaborate and attentively listen to others.

Can you tell us about a moment onstage when something didn't go as planned? How did it turn out?

During 101 Dalmatians, I had a short amount of time to go to the other stage entrance in between songs. Due to this, in one of the performances, I stopped to get a drink of water, and forgot to enter onstage. In the end, everything turned out fine, but I was bummed that I missed one of the songs.

What's one piece of advice you'd like to give to someone stepping onstage for the first time?

The biggest piece of advice I would give to someone stepping onstage for the first time is to have confidence. If you have enough confidence, the audience will not notice if you've messed up because many of these people are watching that show for the first time.

Is there anyone you'd like to give a shout-out to for supporting you on your acting journey?

I would like to give a shout out to my parents for always supporting me on my acting journey. Secondly, I would also like to thank my directors for always giving me kind and helpful feedback. Finally, I would like to give a shout out to Kai for always being an amazing theater friend!

Tell us the shows you have participated in with Poison Apple!

Aladdin Kids, Annie Kids, 101 Dalmatians Kids, and Seussical Jr.