
SoS Voter Cancellation Portal Jeopardizes Georgians’ Voting Rights AND Personal Identifying Information

Government and Politics

August 1, 2024

Following news that the Georgia Secretary of State’s “Voter Registration Cancellation Portal” – which allows any Georgian to submit a voter cancellation request using basic personal identifying information – left Georgians’ personal identifying information exposed to potential fraudsters and other bad actors, DPG Executive Director Tolulope Kevin Olasanoye released the following statement:

“This ‘voter cancellation’ portal was already ripe for abuse by the very people submitting mass voter challenges meant to shrink the electorate by disenfranchising Georgians. On top of that, its botched rollout has now jeopardized the voting rights and the personal identifying information of Georgians across the state. Rushing to implement election system updates to appease weird conspiracy theorists raising unfounded concerns about non-existing voter fraud – because they still can’t accept their candidate lost in 2020 – makes this situation both unacceptable and all too predictable.”