Clubs and Organizations
January 9, 2025
From: CT State Museum of Natural HistoryMansfield Center, CT—Join the Connecticut State Museum of Natural History and State Archaeologist Dr. Sarah Sportman for a public lecture about the Office of State Archaeology’s past year of work and what the next year will bring. Dr. Sportman will highlight the fieldwork, research, and other activities undertaken by the Office of State Archaeology (OSA)
The fieldwork discussed will include a newly discovered site in Avon and other small-scale projects completed over the course of the year. Updates will also cover new work at the Hollister site, a 17th-century colonial site in South Glastonbury where the Office of State Archaeology has had an ongoing research program since 2015. To-date a range of archaeological features have been uncovered, including filled cellars, storage pits, and evidence of earth-fast construction. The site has potential to shed light on early Colonial period cultural interactions, trade relations, economic practices, architecture, foodways, and lifeways. Dr. Sportman will cover new work on Cellar 5 and the 1675 palisade, including the activities of the UConn and CSMNH Field Schools held there.
Other updates will cover the work OSA has done with archaeological societies and organizations like the Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology, the Archaeological Society of Connecticut (ASC), and the Friends of the Office of State Archaeology (FOSA). FOSA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support the Connecticut Office of State Archaeology through education, public outreach, partnerships with local communities, financial support, and public assistance.
Dr. Sportman will also describe the work done on organizing and processing existing OSA collections and give updates on outreach initiatives like the Connecticut Archaeology Fair, which this year was held at the Henry Whitfield State Museum in Guilford again this year, and “Archaeology of Connecticut” the regular show Dr. Sportman co-hosts for iCRV Radio.
Remarks begin at 2:30 and will be followed by a Q&A and informal reception. Artifacts and recent finds by Dr. Sportman’s team will be on display before and after the talk, starting at 2pm. This program will be held at the Mansfield Public Library, 54 Warrenville Rd in Mansfield Center, CT on Saturday January 25, 2025, from 2–4pm. Talk, display, and reception will be held in the Buchanan Auditorium.
The event is free and open to the public! If you plan on attending, please RSVP for reception planning. Visit to RSVP and for more information.
If you require accommodations to participate, please contact the CSMNH at 860-486-4460 or [email protected] by Monday January 20.
The Office of State Archaeology is housed within the Connecticut State Museum of Natural History at the University of Connecticut.
Contact: Elizabeth Barbeau
860-486-4460 | [email protected]
Web: | Instagram: @ctnaturalhistory | Facebook: @CSMNH or @CTArchaeology