
The HexFest 2024

Arts and Entertainment

July 19, 2024

From: The HexFest

HexFest has gathered Witches, rootworkers, and other magical teachers from within New Orleans and around the world to offer their time-honored wisdom. Featured presenters and vendors for 2024 hail from across the spectrum of Witchcraft and magic. Our Vending Ballroom is open from 9am to 7pm on Saturday, August 10th and 9am to 5pm on Sunday, August 11th.


August 9, 2024

5:30pm Ritual: Creole Queen - Riverboat Ritual

1 Poydras Street Behind the Hilton [map+directions]
Join us dockside at the Creole Queen for our Riverboat Ritual. Meet at the HexFest table alongside the boat to get your boarding pass. We board promptly at 6 pm so don’t be late! When on-board, visit any of the dining rooms to secure your seat and mingle with presenters and guests as we cruise down the Mississippi. Buffet dinner is served at 6:15 pm, followed by ritual and drumming on the covered roof deck until 9 pm!

August 10, 2024

9:00am Workshops

Saint Mary Salon 1

Patti Negri - Witches Familiars

Saint Mary Salon 2

Tamara Von Forslun - The Magic Circle and Ritual Dance and Music

Saint Joseph Salon

Mulysa Mayhem - Transforming the Darkness: Hekate and the Path Through Madness to Light Multimedia

Saint Ann Cottage 1

Miss Aida - Hoodoo Cursing and Crossing

Saint Ann Cottage 2

Levi Rowland - Quite a Violent Mother: The Great Goddess as Destroyer and Liberator

10:15am - Half Hour Break

10:45am Workshops

Saint Mary Salon 1

Mystic Dylan - Hex Appeal: Jinxes, Curses and Offensive Magic

Saint Mary Salon 2

Christine Stephens - The Dark Gods: Getting Good Results from The Bad Boys

Saint Joseph Salon

Mimi Curry - Mary, the Goddess in Plain Sight

Saint Ann Cottage 1

Silver RavenWolf - Healing Circle

Saint Ann Cottage 2

Tonya Brown - The Magic of Dreams

12:00pm - Hour and a Half Lunch Break

1:30pm Workshops

Saint Mary Salon 1

Judy Ann Nock - Runes & Fire: Candle Magick Using Bindrunes

Saint Mary Salon 2

Tess Whitehurst - Queen: Hail and Welcome

Saint Joseph Salon

Rebeca Spirit - The Power of Intention: Mind Over Matter

Saint Ann Cottage 1

Michael Herkes - Dark Venus: Exploring the Magical Paradox of Lilith and Venus Multimedia

Saint Ann Cottage 2

Poppa Capp - Pythagoras, Sephirot, and the Minor Arcana

2:45pm - Half Hour Break

3:15pm Workshops

Saint Mary Salon 1

Carie Ewers - The Art of the Seance

Saint Mary Salon 2

Christine Stephens - The Power of The Witches Jar

Saint Joseph Salon

Mystic Dylan - Feel It In My Bones: The Use of Bones in Magic and Divination

Saint Ann Cottage 1

Brian Cain - The Religion of Witchcraft

Saint Ann Cottage 2

Angel Renard - Hidden Hades

4:30pm - Half Hour Break

5:00pm Workshops

Saint Mary Salon 1

Michael Correll - Magical Warfare: Cyber Attack and Defense

Saint Mary Salon 2

Asia Babb Strong - Astral Travel to Empower Your Practice

Saint Joseph Salon

Priestess Miriam - Thoughts and Ants Magic

Saint Ann Cottage 1

Witchdoctor Utu - Making Your Own Chicken Foot Charm

Saint Ann Cottage 2

Michael Herkes - Lilith's Cave: Journey to the Magical Realm of the Dark Goddess

5:00pm Tour

Bourbon Orleans Hotel Lobby

French Quarter Shop and Pub Crawl

6:15pm - 1 Hour, 45 Minute Dinner Break

8:00pm Event

Saint Ann Courtyard

Dragon Ritual Drummers - Ritual Drumming: A Haunted Courtyard Experience

8:00pm Tour

Bourbon Orleans Hotel Lobby

The New Orleans Spirits and Spells Walking Tour

August 11, 2024

9:00am Workshops

Saint Mary Salon 1

Judy Ann Nock - Earth Magick: Combining Crystals and Herbs to Empower Your Practice

Saint Mary Salon 2

Silver RavenWolf - Tea Leaf Reading Basics

Saint Joseph Salon

Patti Negri - Divination Workshop

Saint Ann Cottage 1

Tamara Von Forslun - The Magic Circle & The Buckland Romany Tarot

Saint Ann Cottage 2

Miss Aida - Hoodoo Spiritual Cleansing, Uncrossing, and Protection

10:15am - Half Hour Break

10:45am Workshops

Saint Mary Salon 1

Tamara Von Forslun - Witchcraft of Boskednan - The Lost Magic of Cornwall

Saint Mary Salon 2

Tess Whitehurst - Meditative Movement for Blessings and Breakthroughs

Saint Joseph Salon

Mulysa Mayhem - The Magick of Tattoo: Tattoo as Ritual Art Multimedia

Saint Ann Cottage 1

Michael Herkes - Venusian Magic: The Five Mysteries of Desire

Saint Ann Cottage 2

Elie Barnes - Old Gods, New Gods, Your Gods, My Gods: A True Story by Elie Barnes

12:00pm - Hour and a Half Lunch Break

1:30pm Workshops

Saint Mary Salon 1

Miss Aida - Hoodoo Spells to Break Up Bad Relationships & Send Away Spells

Saint Mary Salon 2

Christine Stephens - When Bad Spells Happen to Good Witches...

Saint Joseph Salon

Fatima Mbodj - Learning and Reading With The New Orleans Oracle Deck

Saint Ann Cottage 1

Silver RavenWolf - How to Create Guided Healing/Manifestation Meditations

Saint Ann Cottage 2

Mystic Dylan - Sacred Syncretism: Merging Deities of the Mediterranean & Europe

2:45pm - Half Hour Break

3:15pm Workshops

Saint Mary Salon 1

Tess Whitehurst - What to Do About the Neighbors

Saint Mary Salon 2

Patti Negri - Amulets Charms and Talismans

Saint Joseph Salon

Mulysa Mayhem - Hekate: From Cosmic Soul to Crowley's Crone Multimedia

Saint Ann Cottage 1

Christian Day - Stepping onto the Royal Road of Tarot

Saint Ann Cottage 2

Judy Ann Nock - The Magick of the Muses & the Priestess Path

4:30pm - Half Hour Break

5:00pm Panels

Saint Mary Salon 1

Panel Discussion - Magical Religion

Saint Mary Salon 2

Panel Discussion - Public vs Private Work

Saint Joseph Salon

Panel Discussion - The Divine Feminine

Saint Ann Cottage 1

Panel Discussion - Throwing The Shade: Gossip in the Magical Community

6:30pm Ritual

Orleans Ballroom

Special Event - HexFest Closing Ritual

8:00pm Event

Hex: Old World Witchery

Special Event - Open House at Hex New Orleans

Date: August 9 - 11, 2024


Bourbon Orleans Hotel - 717 Orleans Street New Orleans, LA 70116

Click here for more Information