
The Hovde Plan: Let Corporations Rip Off Working Families

Government and Politics

October 15, 2024

MADISON, Wis.In the final weeks of the election, WisDems will be highlighting Eric Hovde’s extreme agenda for Wisconsin, and how his policies would be disastrous for Wisconsinites if he wins. The sixth edition will look at Hovde’s plan to raise costs on working families. 

California bank owner Eric Hovde would put multimillionaires like himself first, and working Wisconsinites last. Hovde would let big corporations gouge working families in Wisconsin and give special breaks to big corporations and the ultra-wealthy. 

The Hovde Plan to raise costs on working families: 

  • Hovde would crush the pockets of working families and give a $4 trillion tax handout to the ultra-wealthy. 

  • Hovde would repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, letting insurance companies jack up the prices of prescription drugs like insulin and charge Wisconsinites through the roof.

  • Hovde would repeal the Affordable Care Act “in its entirety,” including provisions protecting those with pre-existing conditions and allowing young people to stay on their insurance, which would allow his allies in the insurance industry to rip off Wisconsinites and charge sky-high prices for life-saving health care. 

  • Hovde would gut Social Security and Medicare. The Hovde plan would cut Social Security payments by over $6,000 a year for the average beneficiary.