
The Invisible Dog Art Center - From Today to the Spring

Arts and Entertainment

February 8, 2023

From: The Invisible Dog Art Center

Dear Friends,

Only six Tuesdays separate us from the first days of Spring.

In six weeks, we will emerge from our cocoon, our outfits will get lighter, our tables will become greener, the amount of sunshine will grow and we will all turn into butterflies!

So, to escort you in style into the blossoming season, we have prepared a program full of tastes, from sweet to spicy, from very sweet to very spicy.

On February 12th, from 12 to 2pm, and before the Super Bowl evening, we offer you a Brunch-Romansh class hosted by Chasper Pult, a Swiss translator, professor and cultural mediator famed for his commitment to the preservation of the Romansh language, the 4th Swiss national language. No doubt that language and the cheese will be delicious. This event is free, you just need to RSVP.

On February 23rd, we premiere Eva Doumbia's Autophagies (Self-eaters), a show halfway between theatre and group tasting session. New Orleans native Karen-Kaia Livers plays the role of a master of ceremonies who invites the audience to a "documentary eucharist," orchestrated by the chef Alexandre Bella Ola. Over an hour and a half, the preparation of mafé is accompanied by stories about its ingredients. And at the end, we all gather to savor this succulent meal. Don't wait to book your seats.

On March 1st, Tunisian artist Aicha Snoussi arrives in NYC for a month residency. Snoussi's work tackles issues of deep-rooted narratives, authority, balances of power that shape history and social dynamics from a queer perspective.

On March 4th, artists Steven and William Ladd are launching their National Scrollathon project with an extensive exhibition that traces their 16 year history of their community engagement program Scrollathon which was born of their belief in the extraordinary capacity of every human being and the awesome power of community. The opening reception is from 6 to 9pm and as always with the Ladd's brother, it's going to be a lot of fun. RSVP includes drinks.

On March 8, we welcome harpist Parker Ramsay for the first time at The Invisible Dog, for an evening of new and contemporary works for solo harp. Another free event, just save your seat here.

On March 9, Books Are Magic is hosting a conversation with Leslie Stein, author of Brooklyn's Last Secret, animated by Isaac Fitzgerald. Be at the front row

On March 28, at la Salle A Manger (SAM), jews and garlic will be the center of the table for a performance-dinner The Stinking Nose, a project imagined by by Brandon Woolf, Matt Korahais, Leonie Bell, and myself in the kitchen. Intrigued right? If you want to attend the dinner, please shoot me an email and tell me who you are and why you would like to attend. The dinner-performance is by invitation only.

Oh lala, I writing, writing, writing and it's already the Spring.

A few last words, to warmly thanks our partners for this program: the General Consulate of Switzerland in NY, Villa Albertine, NYU Skirball, Books Are Magic, Elizabeth Krief and Jacques Manardo, and all the talented people who are working behind the scene to make it happen.

See you very soon.

Lucien Zayan

Coming Up at The Invisible Dog

How do you say "Brunch" in Romansh?

Chasper Pult

February 12, 2023


Join us on at Noon sharp for the first ever Romansh lesson in New York City, hosted by Chasper Pult, a Swiss translator, professor and cultural mediator famed for his commitment to the preservation of the Romansh language. Celebrate the 85th anniversary of the recognition of Romansh as the fourth Swiss national language with us over a traditional Swiss brunch with famous Swiss cheeses and learn some snippets of the closest language to Latin still spoken today. Fin bainbod!




Eva Doumbia

February 23-26, 2023 (various hours)

co-presented in partnership with NYU Skirball

Autophagies (Stories of bananas, rice, tomatoes, peanuts, palm trees. And fruit, sugar, chocolate) is a show halfway between theatre and group tasting session. Eva Doumbia plays the role of a master of ceremonies who invites the audience to a "documentary eucharist" orchestrated by the chef Alexandre Bella Ola. Over an hour and a half, the preparation of mafé is accompanied by stories about each ingredient. According to the director, this journey through a dish consists of "starting with a small thing and unfolding it to tell a story". Behind every food item is the story of a migration, a colonial conquest, or different forms of exploitation of people or the environment.



Autophagies is co-presented in partnership with NYU Skirball with the support of FACE Contemporary Theater, a program of VillaAlbertine and FACE Foundation, in partnership with the French Embassy in the United States, with support from The Ford Foundation, Institut français, the French Ministry of Culture, and private donors.  

Aicha Snoussi

Artist in Residency

March 1-31, 2023

Elizabeth Krief & Jacques Manardo Artist Residency Program

Aïcha Snoussi is graduated from the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Tunis and the University of Sorbonne in Paris. She is the 2020 winner of the Sam Prize for Contemporary Art and the first prize of the Rambourg Foundation for the Underwater ??? ????? project. This archeological fiction is displayed and evolving through several current and upcoming exhibitions. The narrative embodied through the installations revolves around an ancient queer civilisation that first emerged in Sépulture aux noyé.e.s (Mo.Co, 2021), and expanded through several solo shows.


National Scrollathon: New York Edition

Steven and William Ladd

March 4 - April 16, 2023

Opening Reception Saturday March 4 from 6 to 9pm

The Scrollathon is a series of workshops led by the Ladds that brings the community together to share their stories and engage in the creation and presentation of world class art. The result is permanent artwork made of the collective contributions of the community. During a Scrollathon each participant becomes a Community Artist by making a textile work of art to keep that they associate with a personal experience. They share that experience and the title of the work with their peers, demonstrating how contemporary art can become a lens for personal storytelling. Then they collaborate on a work of art, a Collaborative Masterwork, and have their portrait created for a permanent record.



Inertia: Works for Solo Harp

Parker Ramsay

In an evening of new and contemporary works for solo harp, Parker Ramsay will showcase new directions in composition for harp. Alongside Michael Jarrell’s, Offrande (a staple of modern harp repertoire), Ramsay will include three works written for him.



Books Are Magic at The Invisible Dog

Leslie Stein

There’s sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll, sure, but there are also tender moments as the motley crew take turns behind the wheel, compiling lists of the hottest hunks and best guitar riffs to pass the miles. From tour fashion to breakdowns—mechanical and emotional—Leslie Stein holds no bars in this incredibly funny and heartfelt love letter meets parody of life on the road.



The Stinking Nose: A Dinner

Brandon Woolf, Matt Korahais, Leonie Bell, & Lucien Zayan

Dating back to 14th-century Europe (especially Germany), garlic has been a metonym for the Jew. The Foetor Judaicus (stink of the Jew) is the subject of many a text, image, song, and plaster-piggy-bank (really!). Indeed, in our only slightly hyperbolic estimation, Garlic-Semitism defines much of the history of German-Jewish relations. Years before the first “ethnic” rhinoplasty, 19th-century German-Jews banished garlic from their diets and their cookbooks to deodorize, de-culturate, and white-wash their identities. The Nazis minted anti-Garlic pins early on; and widespread garlic-aversion persists throughout Germany today – though it has lost its (conscious) political edge.