
Town Of Avon News : Don’t Crowd the Plow

Government and Politics

December 19, 2022

From: Town Of Avon

Avon, CO –   Winter is here!  Avon snowplow operators want to remind everyone to drive and walk safely around Town. The plows are very large and often operate in poor weather conditions where visibility may be hampered.

We’re in a season of gathering with family and friends, so let’s practice the following safety tips during winter operations to ensure the holidays are happy.

-Slow Down!
-Don’t follow too close, give snowplows room to maneuver.

-Look both ways before stepping out into the street.
-Wear bright or reflective clothing.  Have a light source (cell phone/flashlight) in low light or poor weather conditions. Have reflective gear for your dog.
-Cross at intersections and crosswalks.  Make eye contact with drivers and ensure the vehicle is yielding to you before stepping onto the street.
-Avoid walking along roadways with your dog and do not let them go unleashed. 

Our mission is to get you to and from your destinations safely, so please be aware of your surroundings and “don’t crowd the plow."

For more information, please contact Public Operations Manager Gary Padilla at [email protected] or call 970-748-6343.