
Town Of Avon News - No Plastic Bags in Avon

Government and Politics

January 17, 2023

From: Town Of Avon

Avon’s local ordinance is not impacted by recent changes to Colorado law

Avon, CO – Recent changes to Colorado law do not impact Avon’s plastic bag ban and $0.10 paper bag fee. Businesses in Avon are subject to the Avon regulations instead of the new state law, and retailers in Avon are not permitted to provide plastic bags to customers at any point of sale.

The Town of Avon has had a plastic bag ban and $0.10 paper bag fee since May 1, 2018. Avon’s regulations were put in place through Ordinance 17-08 and are different than the recent updates to the State regulations.  As a home rule municipality, Avon’s regulations supersede State law and the recent implementation of the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act. 

As of January 1, 2023, Colorado state law requires retail stores statewide to charge $0.10 per paper or plastic bag provided to customers at checkout. This law was put in place through Colorado HB21-1162, the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act. 

Avon businesses will continue the current practice of not allowing the use of plastic bags, even with the recent state law changes. Avon businesses must charge a $0.10 paper bag fee. Stores containing at least 4,000 square feet of retail space must remit all of the fees to the Town for recycling, composting and other waste diversion programs, including outreach and education activities. Avon retailers operating in less than 4,000 square feet of retail space may retain one hundred percent (100%) of the fees. 

For more information or questions, please visit avon.org/bags or email our Sustainability Coordinator Charlotte Lin at [email protected]